You’ve taken money from the NRA? Your political career is over.

Filed in National by on February 22, 2018

That’s my dream headline.   Help make it a reality by joining The Delaware Coalition Against Gun Violence.

Here is what they are up to right now:

This year, we can:

• Make it a crime in Delaware to sell, transfer, buy, receive or possess a trigger crank or bump-stock devices of the type that gunman Stephen Paddock used to kill 58 people and wound 500 more in Las Vegas. (HB 300)

• Limit access to firearms for those who present a danger to themselves or others, while giving our mental health professionals more tools to help patients they believe could harm themselves or others. (HB 302)

• Give families and law enforcement a legal process they can follow to temporarily remove firearms from someone exhibiting signs of being a significant danger to themselves and others. (HB 222)

We need your help. We need your support. We need your voice.

Please join our coalition, follow us on Facebook and watch this newsletter for more information in coming weeks about how you can use your voice to affect real change in Delaware.



About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (2)

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  1. anon says:

    Let’s start with the Speaker!

  2. bamboozer says:

    Like it! My brother is mentally ill and has been for decades, he’s also a fan of the NRA, bad combination or what? Took forever to get his guns away from him including a few dozen interactions with the police which came from complaints from the neighbors. Final straw was when he barricaded himself on the second floor of my mom’s house and the cops had to go in and remove him. That got a trip to Mental Illness Court and the removal of his right to own a gun or explosives. The process took at least half a year and happened right around the time of Sandy Hook.