Delaware Liberal

Know Your Firearm Fondlers: State Rep. John “Larry” Mitchell [UPDATE]: Larry Sees the Light

State Rep. John L. “Larry” Mitchell isn’t a major recipient of blood money — $100 in 2016, another $100 in 2017 from the Delaware Foundation for Legislative Action. The question is why he took any at all.

Democrat Larry Mitchell, you see, is an ex-New Castle County cop and current Chief of Security at DelTech, and most police chiefs endorse restrictions on firearms and ammunition that leave public safety officers outgunned. The Delaware State Sportsmen’s Association, the state branch of the NRA that doles out the DFLA blood money, does not.

Mitchell also holds a position key to the coming debate over banning assault weapons — he chairs the House Committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security, where any bill answering Gov. Carney’s call for a such a ban almost certainly will be assigned.

Mitchell generally keeps his head down in Dover. He can do so no longer. Not only does he need to give the money back, he must co-sponsor whatever assault weapon ban eventually is proposed.

To do any less would not only betray the citizens of Delaware, but the police and security staff he is employed to protect.

[UPDATE]: I was right, El Somnambulo. Rep. Mitchell did indeed do the right thing, donating those campaign contributions to the Parkland student’s March for Our Lives, set for March 24. Thank you Rep. Mitchell. Now will you please sponsor Gov. Carney’s call for a ban on high-powered, rapid-fire rifles?


Previously profiled: State Sen. Anthony Delcollo

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