Attorney Tom Neuberger told WDEL he will withdraw his candidacy for the Republican nomination for attorney general so he can instead represent injured firefighter Brad Speakman in a lawsuit against the City of Wilmington.
Frankly, the lawsuit sounds like total bullshit to me: From the WDEL account: Neuberger said the city must answer for “numerous civilian and now three firefighter deaths,” he said were caused by a 16-year-long “rolling bypass” standard of procedure which deliberately leaves certain engine companies out of service for a period of time.
In essence, then, the contention of Mr. Neuberger is that once a city opens a fire station, it can never be closed temporarily. The absurdity of this position is obvious on its face, and the beer is on me if this case isn’t tossed by the first competent judge it reaches.
Gives Neuberger a plausible reason to shitcan his “race” for AG, though.