1. And Then There Were None. Announced R candidates for AG, that is. Tom Neuberger has dropped out to, what else, represent a plaintiff in a high-profile liability suit. In this case, this plaintiff in this suit. Let’s see, the Rethugs ‘discouraged’ the pro-marijuana guy from running…no word yet on whether they are gonna scrape the rust off of Ferris Wharton and perhaps provide him with a designated driver…maybe they can recruit Kathy McGuiness. She has the same qualifications for AG as she has for Auditor. None. WDEL’s Allan Loudell speculates as to Neuberger’s motivation. Allan, I like you, but I don’t see this race as being between Kathleen Jennings and Tim Mullaney. Not at all.
2. And Then There Was One. R candidate for US Senator, that is. Chuck Boyce announced that he was dropping his bid due to health reasons. Leaving, wait for it, I’ll find the name, just give me a second…that’s right, Gene Truono. This guy. Oh, well, at least they’ve got an A-list challenger for Lisa Blunt Rochester. Scott Walker. This guy.
3. Rep. Osienski Gets A Challenger–Of Sorts. We’re talking about the 24th RD, traditionally a Newark-area blue collar district. The challenger is one Bill Dilks. My gift to you? This. There is no law against excessive use of exclamation points, but if there was, this guy would be ineligible to run. The registration numbers for this district are as follows: 8534 D; 3439 R; 4400 I. A D registration majority. Looks like Ed Osienski is safe.
4. D Primary in RD 9. Monique Johns, who ran against Kevin Hensley in 2016, has filed. She will face Debbie Harrington in a Democratic primary in September. Hensley defeated Johns by a 60-40 margin in 2016. This is a primary that can only help Hensley. This is a swing district, and D’s must be able to reach out beyond the Democratic base. I would hope that the two filed candidates can find a way to forestall this primary.
That’s it for this week. What’d I miss, and whaddayathink?