March For Our Lives Open Thread

Filed in National by on March 24, 2018

With more than 800(!) marches taking place all over the world, what are you doing today? If you are at one of the marches, please let us know what’s happening.  If you’re watching the marches, what is your reaction?

My main hope is that, just like the Women’s March last year, today’s events will be a catalyst for legitimate change, this time on the entire issue of gun violence.

As Andy Reid would say, “Time’s yours.”

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  1. RSE says:

    I think you will get your wish. It will be like the woman’s march, and the science march, and whatever march, because they are all the same marches, with the same people….Basically they are political opposition marches that take place to bolster cohesion and interest, and to gain strength against the opposition…god bless, if you think you’re doing it for a cause, and we actually do need more gun control, but don’t think you aren’t being used.

  2. The Women’s March begot a whole ‘nother level of political activism. I’m thrilled that it did. Hope that a similar result comes out of today’s march, organized by a bunch of high school students.

    But thank you for protecting me from my own naivete. I need to pay more attention to you. Not.

  3. jason330 says:

    I’m all for the rise of the determined single issue voter on the left. Single payer, Machine gun bans, free abortions on every corner, whatever injustice you are burinng to set right. I’m down with it.

    We just need Democrats running for office who know how to take the public’s tempurature.

  4. RSE says:

    “organized by a bunch of high school students.”….Really?

  5. Alby says:

    What? You mean they didn’t personally organize the Lewes march? Why those frauds!

    Why do you feel the need to shit on this?

  6. RE Vanella says:

    This RSE really knows his stuff. A real contrarian, him. He’s opened my eyes.

  7. RE Vanella says:

    I’m on the train. Next stop New Carrollton.

    A guy about 50 got on solo in Wilmington. Sat next to a solo lady in the row ahead of us. Strikes up a chat with her.

    He said it best. His kids are grown. He could sit “in his warm house” but that is a luxury. He said he felt compelled to go out in the streets.

    Great mood in our carriage. Tons to teenages, signage, etc. High spirits.

    RSE knows something should be done, but he won’t be used as a political pawn!

    I always looked at it like using my body as more of a political knight, or a rook.

  8. Dave says:

    ‘“organized by a bunch of high school students.”….Really?”

    “I’m 17. I can’t rent a hotel room,” said Cameron Kasky, a Parkland junior

    Or obtain a permit for a march.

    Which is why the “adults” have roles to play.

  9. RE Vanella says:

    Inspired by & organized by. Logistics handled with adults.

    Why is this a critique? What the fuck is wrong with you?

    Sometimes I really do understand where Lenin was coming from. You folks needs to start pulling your weight.

  10. Elaine says:

    @RSE, I was at Women’s in DC, Science in Philly but am working today or I’d be marching. I’m being used by no one. Grassroots activism can make a difference. You don’t see that. Sad.

  11. Dana Garrett says:

    If public schools are producing sophisticated and morally conscientious students like I saw today, then public schools are hardly the pit of failure that their critics make them out to be. I was impressed and heartened about the future.

  12. jason330 says:

    Great point.

  13. Bill B says:

    I attended the march in Rehoboth with my adult daughter. I expected a decent crowd, but I was amazed by the turnout. Delaware Online says there were “over 1,100” who marched there. I’m no expert in estimating crowd size, but I think there were considerably more than that.

    Also happy to see that no counter protesters showed up down here in the red ass of blue Delaware. Or if they were there they were intimidated by the size of the crowd and were very quiet.

  14. Alby says:

    News-Journal account of the Wilmington march, which featured a speech by Biden that at least one cable channel carried:

  15. mouse says:

    I saw George Soros standing on Savannah Rd handing out 50 dollar bills to protesters