Polling News That Should Worry Professional Dems

Filed in National by on March 24, 2018

Tom Carper should know that it isn’t just guns. Young Americans are calling bullshit on your fucked up, “Republican Lite” trickle down economics too.


According to new polling by right-wing political consultant Frank Luntz, Americans 18 to 26 are extremely liberal — so liberal that “the hostility of young Americans to the underpinnings of the American economy and the American government” should “frighten every business and political leader” and “excite activists for Sanders and, to a lesser degree, Clinton activists.”

Luntz’s poll found that young Americans are optimistic about both the country’s future and their own: 61 percent say the best days of the United States are still ahead of us rather than behind us, and 88 percent are somewhat, very, or extremely optimistic about their economic prospects. But they have concerns, too. Their biggest, in order, are “corruption,” “greed,” and “inequality.”

In response to the question, “Which type of political system do you think is the most compassionate?”, 58 percent said socialism and 9 percent said communism. Just 33 percent chose capitalism. Sixty-six percent of the poll’s respondents said corporate America “embodies everything that is wrong about America.”

Finally, more young Americans declared that the “most pressing issue facing America today” is income inequality than anything else. Income inequality was followed by education — specifically its cost. Respondents said they most respect nurses and doctors, followed by teachers and soldiers. The least-respected professions are bankers (2 percent), real estate agents (2 percent), elected officials (4 percent), and business leaders (6 percent).


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Alby says:

    This is like telling the dinosaurs, “A meteor is coming, you better start evolving right away!”

  2. Dan says:

    But won’t those 33 percent control the system and shut out the other 67 percent via the usual tactics (gerrymandering, electoral college, voter suppression, etc.) in exactly the same way they do now?

    Seems to me if what the majority tell pollsters what they feel actually mattered, we’d already be seeing the results.

  3. Alby says:

    This is just the 18-to-26 demographic. They’re not a majority of the population, yet. But they’re the future.

  4. mediawatch says:

    Problem facing the GOP and the professional Dems is they’ll never find a way to raise the voting age to 35.

  5. jason330 says:

    I wonder if the young’uns hove grown to love capitalism in the past 20 months?

  6. jason330 says:

    Women born after 1980 favor Democrats 70-23

    Women are more Democratic than men, and younger voters are more Democratic than older ones. The former has been true for decades, and the latter is a trend that’s at least 10 or 15 years old. But a new Pew survey using a huge sample to allow for insight into demographic details shows that the intersection of these two trends is staggeringly large.

    Among millennials, which Pew identifies as people born between 1981 and 1996, men lean toward Democrats by 8 percentage points — far and away a bigger tilt toward Democrats than older cohorts of men. But millennial women favor Democrats by a staggeringly large 70-23 margin.

    Two days old.


  7. Ben says:

    Is say, if anything, my preference for some, not everything, socialist policies has gotten stronger in the past 2 years. Can say the same about a large majority of peers.

  8. Dana Garrett says:

    That’s very good news, indeed.

  9. puck says:

    “Women born after 1980 favor Democrats 70-23”

    It’s easy to favor Democrats given a binary choice D vs. R. But how many Dem voters care whether a Dem is a corporate Dem or an economically progressive Dem? That’s how we got Coons, Carper, and LBR.

    In other words, how many voters understand that a $15 minimum wage would do far more to empower women and minorities than Hillary’s “Paycheck Fairness Act?” We need candidates who will do both.

  10. jason330 says:

    It is a valid point, and I think the earlier Luntz polling speaks to it. Red v. Blue is a clumsy measure, but reveals opportunity. Will the Professional Dems read the opportunity correctly? Of course not. They don’t keep their jobs and lavish salaries by winning elections.

    On a personal note – my two millennial sons hate capitalism and the Democratic Party as it is currently constituted. I wish I could take credit for that and claim that it was good parenting. It wasn’t.

  11. RE Vanella says:

    Well, whatever you did it worked.

  12. spktruth says:

    Jason: Your sons like my grandsons and all their Florida friends…We got this.