Delaware Liberal

Dave McBride & Greg Lavelle: Twin Executioners Of Assault Weapons Ban?

Let’s first state the obvious: The so-called leader of the Delaware State Senate has given the finger to every student, family and person who took part in the March For Our Lives throughout the world. That includes Delaware and, yes, former VP Joe Biden.  He ‘pulled a Schwartzkopf’, but, in this case, it was even worse.  When Speaker Pete assigned a bill to an inhospitable committee, it was generally with Jack Markell holding his coat. That’s why minimum wage legislation always ended up in Bryon Short’s Business Lapdog Committee, where Short, Q. Johnson and Andria Bennett used Chamber of Commerce talking points to bury the bills.

Dave McBride could have assigned the assault weapons ban to any number of committees, as is his prerogative as President Pro-Tem.  For example, he could have assigned it to this committee, where all five members might have voted to release the bill.  He could have assigned it to this committee, where, even with Bruce Ennis as chair, there were likely three yes votes to release the bill.  Hell, he could assign it to any committee he wanted. But he chose to assign it to a committee that appears to potentially have three votes against releasing the bill.  That was not by accident.

Dave McBride, who perhaps isn’t in touch with his constituents b/c he doesn’t even live in his district, but consorts with the yahoos in Lower Slower, betrayed all of those who have felt the impact of these mass shootings.  He has gone against his own Democratic Party in favoring the lobbying interests of the NRA and the Delaware Sportsmen’s Association over children, teachers and families.  He should be embarrassed, but he won’t be.  He’s the smartest guy in the room. Just ask him.

Which brings us to Greg Lavelle. Let’s look again at the composition of the committee that will consider this bill:

Chair: Margaret Rose Henry

Members: Bruce Ennis

Bob Marshall

Greg Lavelle

Dave Lawson.

Ennis and Lawson are lost causes.  Marshall and Henry are sponsors of the ban.  That leaves Greg Lavelle. Lavelle represents a district in which, I believe, the vast majority of voters support the assault weapons ban.  He is running against a teacher who no doubt will make gun control a centerpiece of her campaign, especially against Lavelle. Especially if Lavelle kills the assault weapons ban.  Wait, let me check (heads over to Laura Sturgeon’s website)…yep:

The problem of violence in our state has many causes, but common sense gun legislation must be part of the solution. Our legislature has already taken steps to make gun ownership safer in Delaware, but we should go further. I will support efforts to ban assault weapons, limit the maximum magazine size available in Delaware, and require a state permit to purchase and own firearms. I applaud the bipartisan effort to ban bump stocks, and trust that amendments will be introduced to address the concerns of current owners of these devices.

You know what to do.  If you live in his district, call Greg Lavelle and urge him to do the right thing.  His Dover # is (302) 744-4135.  His e-mail is

Also, if you care about the issue, call Dave McBride and demand that he not stand in the way of progress. His number is (302) 744-4167.  I always encourage politeness, but, in McBride’s case, I’m not gonna insist on it.  What he did was the height of cynicism. Disgraceful, in fact.

If you are students, teachers and/or supporters of March For Our Lives, mobilize right now.

BTW, the bill isn’t on Wednesday’s committee agenda. But HS1/HB 330 is. WWGD (What Will Greg Do)? We’re all watching, Monsignor.


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