Delaware Liberal

Rhetorical Shots Fired, Facts Injured in Gun Debate

State lawmakers are getting testy over gun-control legislation, at least on Facebook. Matt Bittle of the Delaware State News has the story of the spat between State Sen. Dave Lawson and House Speak Pete Schwartzkopf over a semi-true video Lawson posted urging people to oppose two gun bills. Lawson’s video made untrue claims about what was in the bills, which drew fire from Schwartzkopf and return fire from Lawson. Facts on both sides were injured in the exchange.

Meanwhile, over in the News Journal, Sen. Colin Bonini tried to score some points on the school safety front by inviting the media to Caesar Rodney High to see the latest in school-hardening technology: The Guardian Booth, a 4-by-6-foot aluminum-and-glass box that’s very useful as a place for someone like a school safety officer to stand in, provided physically intervening in a situation isn’t a priority. CR Principal Sherry Kijowski, astutely sizing up its value, said it will be positioned outside the football stadium for use as a ticket booth.

On the national gun front, the NRA conceded that it accepts foreign donations but maintains none of it was among the $50.2 million it spent on 2016 elections. It also says it can’t prove that, because it intermingles funds indiscriminately. How convenient. It did not address the question of why an organization committed to gun rights in the U.S. is taking foreign donations in the first place.

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