Mukhopadhyay Drops – Raser-Schramm now works for Simpler?

Filed in National by on April 6, 2018

Unless Raser-Schramm has a decent candidate slotted, this is some bullshit:

However, after having conversations this week with those involved in the party and Party Chairman Erik Raser-Schramm, I have decided not to seek political office at this time, especially for the position of State Treasurer.

Eric Raser Schram

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. mediawatch says:

    I think Erik got it right, and Mookie got the message.
    It goes something like this: You’ve got potential, kid, but next to Ken Simpler, you look like someone who’s just learning to balance your own checkbook.
    I’m not praising Simpler here, just saying that there’s more to running for statewide office than having a D after your name. Simpler, whatever you may think of him, has had a career in finance. The D’s, to be credible, have to come up with a candidate who has some financial chops too.
    Maybe Mookie will be back in 2020, or 2022. He seems bright enough, but he needs an opening where he can flourish, not look like he’s in over his head.

  2. SussexWatcher says:

    I would support any candidate for Treasurer wholeheartedly, age 18 or 99, who campaigned on a platform of abolishing the job. We don’t need it. Turn the functions over to Finance and OMB and disperse the staff accordingly. The only people it would hurt would be the political parties.

  3. SussexAnon says:

    Nicest “F-U, democratic party” Ever.

    Well at least he found out early in the process he wouldn’t get party support.

  4. Bane says:

    SussexWatcher with the shot…. AND ITS GOOD!!!

  5. Bane says:

    Jason, are you serious? Mookie needs to graduate college first. Get a job, an apartment… be an adult for a while. Why lead him down this path. Schramms job is to find the best available candidate, not just a person with a pulse.

  6. Jason330 says:

    Are you serious asking me if I’m serious ? Since when is it ER-S’s job to run interference for Ken Simpler ?

  7. AQC says:

    You have to know Erik better than to think he would encourage anyone not to run for no reason?!?!

  8. RE Vanella says:

    Purity tests!

  9. Bane says:

    How does this help Simpler? The kid probably can’t win and a bad loss out the gate could hurt his future chances or sour the experience for him. I’m sure Schramm didn’t tell him not to run, but I’m certain he caringly went over the pros and cons with this young man. You, on the other hand, seem to just want the kid to go running off a cliff. You should run.

  10. Jason330 says:

    Bottom line: Simpler is a weak candidate. If he goes unchallenged I’m going to loose my shit.

  11. Love you, Jason. But the last thing Erik is looking to do is to run interference for Simpler or any other Rethug. Do I know the whole story? No. But I know Erik.

  12. Joshua W says:

    I agree with Bane: REV should run for Treasurer. You can finally show all the party hacks what you’re made of, Rob.

  13. Erik Raser-Schramm says:

    Hey folks, if you think you know what happened, you got it wrong. Hirak called me after he talked to many folks to let me know he wasn’t running. I reached out to him right after his Facebook post wanting to talk with him and he talked with others first, over the two days and made the decision. Thanks to those of you who know me and pointed out how false this post was.

  14. Erik Raser-Schramm says:

    Hey folks, if you think you know what happened, you got it wrong.

  15. Jason330 says:

    Do you have a candidate lined up?

  16. TonyDem says:

    How bout we trim down the primary for auditor and pluck one of the 3-4 people running for that office?

  17. Jason330 says:

    That’s the very thing that makes me feel like Simpler is a made man amongst our Dem leadership. Fishy as all hell.

  18. TonyDem says:

    I have to believe that Carney and BHL even would love to see Simpler take a L.

  19. Hirak Mookie says:

    So I write an entire essay explaining my reasoning for not running, and you still think Erik talked me out of it? C’mon Dog. As soon as I announced, Erik showed that he was open to me running, he wasn’t like “hey son, this isn’t for you”. The old days are over. This is a new day, and Erik gets that. Erik let me make the final decision and didn’t sway me one way or the other. I talked to plenty of others involved in Party before this. Some of you give good reasons above why I didn’t/shouldn’t have ran and I completely agree. Instead of putting all this effort into scapegoating ERS, get a clipboard and call some numbers and knock on some doors.

  20. SussexAnon says:

    Yeah, I know how ‘talking with others in the party’ goes.

  21. Jason330 says:

    I feel you. It isn’t like ERS got the idea that Simpler was protected. That sort of call comes from higher up.

    Good advice on the clipboard. All hands on deck and all that.

  22. puck says:

    Democrats made every effort to clear the decks for Simpler in 2014. Why does anyone expect them to reverse course now? If a credible Dem can’t be found on the cusp of a blue wave, there never will be a credible opponent. Simpler can expect to run against tomato cans for the rest of his career. Echoes of The Swap and the Delaware Way.

  23. RE Vanella says:

    I don’t need to humiliate myself to prove something everyone aready knows.

  24. Actually, if any decks were ‘cleared’ in 2014, it was for Third Way DINO Sean Barney. A Carper acolyte in every way.

    The Carper grip on the Party has loosened since then. If Barney hadn’t totally sucked as a candidate, he would have been elected Treasurer.

  25. jason330 says:

    What’s the difference between Barney and Simpler? What’s the difference between Carper and Simpler for that matter? A conservative Democrat and a Moderate Republican must have a lot of law enforcement & gay friends in common, as well as a zeal to free banks from burdensome regulation.

    When Carper was sitting on the beach at Dewey deciding to run for the Office of Treasurer, did he flip a coin to pick his party? Did Simpler?

  26. Just responding to the argument that the ‘decks were cleared for Simpler’.

  27. puck says:

    “If Barney hadn’t totally sucked as a candidate, he would have been elected Treasurer.”

    We have elected many Democrats who suck as candidates. Simpler also sucked as a candidate.

  28. Jack says:

    I co-managed Hirak in his capacity as an intern over the 2016 campaign he’s referring to, Bryan Townsend’s failed bid for Congress. While we were gifted with many intelligent and hardworking interns, Hirak was not. He was incredibly rude to voters, particularly women, and managed to do less voter outreach in a week than our high school interns could do in an hour. He spent hours on Wikipedia looking up obscure Congressional districts for some reason and would disappear for hours at a time. Every single intern would request to not be partnered with him when we went out to knock on doors because he was so insufferable and he was the only college intern we could never send out alone became he needed such intense supervision. I sent multiple requests to the campaign manager to have him kicked out, at which point he was transferred to fundraising where the idea was that he would do less damage. He still managed to drop the ball on that and screw up addressing envelopes which was nothing short of astounding. I am not familiar with his work with the UD NAACP so I cannot comment on that but Hirak has a long history of incompetence and complete inability to not be a raging sexist at all times. He was petty, rude, short-sighted and lacked anything close to a dedication to public service, and i am certain he is a blatant opportunist. Letting him get anywhere near a position of power over others would be the political equivalent of kneecapping oneself.

  29. RE Vanella says:

    Feel better now, Jack?

    Firstly, this cat can’t have a “long history” of anything (isn’t he an undergrad?) & your certitude re: his motivation is sort of a tell. Weird stuff.

    Maybe the guy’s a huge douche, I don’t know.

  30. Alby says:

    In politics, ambition and talent are almost always inversely related.