Tom Carper finally did some actual work to resist the criminal misrule of the Manchurian Orange. This reveals a couple of things. 1) Carper doesn’t have to be the waste of space that he’s been. He chooses to be a bank-toadying, waste of space. 2) Primaries and elections work. We need to hold politicians accountable and we do so through elections.
Never having faced a Dem challenger, Tom never needed to get off his ass. Now he has one.
The Environment Protection Agency’s (EPA) inspector general announced Monday evening he would review employment records pertaining to Samantha Dravis, who resigned last week as the agency’s senior counsel and associate director of its Office of Policy.
In a letter sent late last month, Sen. Tom Carper, D-Delaware, asked the inspector general to investigate Dravis’ employment record. According to Carper, Dravis “did not attend work or perform her duties for much if not all of the months of November 2017-January 2018.” Carper also wrote that he had been informed that Dravis “was likely compensated as a full-time employee throughout that time.”