Donald Trump attacked several sites in Syria with missiles Friday night. Trump warned of a sustained attack; Defense Secretary Jim Mattis says it’s one-and-done unless chemical weapons are used again. Syria claims to have shot down 13 missiles, but plenty more apparently got through.
Various journalists are starting to remember that however much they like him now, James Comey has been kind of a dick for a long time. In the style of Greek tragedy, his integrity is his great strength, and his own regard for it is his great weakness.
A quiet, religious young man in Wisconsin blew himself to kingdom come in his apartment last month. When first responders got there, they found coious bomb-making material, and it was so volatile that they immediately evacuated the rest of the building’s residents and burnt the place to the ground with all their possession inside. They also found white supremacist literature. Such a nice young man — home-schooled, too.
Legal weed has opened the door to more than another cutthroat industry — it also has led to more research on marijuana. For instance, this study of Colorado users ranks its rate of use by profession. I don’t want to tell tales out of school, but there’s a pretty good chance that the guy frying up those Rocky Mountain oysters has a buzz on.