Delaware Liberal

New Castle County Council is a ball of dysfunction

New Castle County Police want $200,000 for a new SWAT vehicle since theirs was badly damaged in the line of duty. I’m not one who thinks the police should be militarized, especially when reducing the number of assault weapons with high capacity magazines on the street would be both more effective and cheaper. That said, it is hard to be on the side of Bill Powers, who comes off looking like an ass.

But the discussion during the budget meeting grew heated when Councilman Bill Powers stepped in and questioned the need to replace the vehicle. He questioned how many miles were on the vehicle and whether the vehicle could be refurbished.

Unsure of the mileage, Bond explained to council members that the new BearCat truck would be an upgrade with better technology and safety features.

Then Powers got super pissy. You really need to read the thing to get a full sense of the nonsense. My take – they are both wrong.

This is a picture of the $200,000 Army truck the police want.

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