Coons’ Vaunted Bipartisanship Fails Once Again

Filed in National by on April 18, 2018

Bipartisan hero of bipartisanship, Chris Coons, struck out again.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on Tuesday thwarted a bipartisan effort to protect special counsel Robert Mueller’s job, saying he will not hold a floor vote on the legislation even if it is approved next week in the Senate Judiciary Committee.

McConnell said the bill is unnecessary because President Donald Trump will not fire Mueller.

Coons is resolved to bipartisan his bipartisanship ass off even more bipartisanly next time. He is sure it will work.

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Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (17)

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  1. mediawatch says:

    OK, so Coons’ bipartisanship failed. I’m not a big fan of him crossing the aisle, but don’t blame him when Graham and Tillis ought to have a little more sway with Mitch.

    Everybody knows this, and maybe that’s why the point doesn’t get made more often, but Trump bought off Mitch by making his wife secretary of transportation. You’ll notice that Super Agent Orange hasn’t called out Secretary Elaine, and she’s done a pretty good job of doing nothing. If Mitch crosses 45, Elaine will be sitting on her patootie on the sidewalk.

  2. jason330 says:

    Or, a less Rube Golbergian version is that McConnell, like all Republicans is afraid of his base voters and was never going to go fot it anyway.

    Nevertheless – Coons is doing nothing to resist Trump. This was bullshit frome the outset because Coons still thinks we are living in normal times. He still doesn’t get it.

  3. Alby says:

    There’s one problem with your analogy: Charlie Brown is lovable.

  4. jason330 says:

    They have the same head to body ratio though.

  5. Alby says:

    I know, right? I always wondered how Charlie Brown got his shirt on.

  6. puck says:

    Mike Pompeo needs the votes of all the Republicans – and one Democrat – to be confirmed.

  7. MikeM2784 says:

    I think Coons does “get it” how serious things are…but what can he do, really? He speaks out, and yes, he tries to get the few semi-reasonable Republicans to act because the reality is they have the power right now. I think there are fair criticisms to be leveled, but not sure this is one of them.

  8. RE Vanella says:

    If this is the best he can do we’ll find somebody else. Why we set the bar this low and shrug is beyond me.

  9. nathan arizona says:

    Set the bar too high and you won’t get over it. Then you’re out of the game. Just a thought.

  10. jason330 says:

    Whatever. The bottom line is that Coons accepts Trump as just another Republican President and not the threat to the democratic system that he is. Or, even if MikeM is right, and Coons does see that Trump is not normal – his response has been impotent.

    Is impotence really our only option?

  11. Alby says:

    The bar Coons got over was Christine O’Donnell. Not very high.

  12. RE Vanella says:

    Politics doesn’t work that way, Nate. Common misconception. You can’t win back power without swinging back. Just taking punches isn’t enough.

    One may not win every fight (get over the bar), but one may win the next one or the one after that.

    Coons will never win one.

  13. nathan arizona says:

    I don’t buy the idea that Coons fails to see Trump as a threat to Liberal Democracy. The time will come — soon I hope — for him and others like him to demonstrate that. It does take some strategy and maybe a willingness to let Trump hang himself. Meanwhile, try to limit the damage. I wish every single congressman had stood up to Trump on the first day without letting Trumpism play out in any way. But that would never happen in the real world. So it will take a little time.

    REV: Rope-a dope? Anyway, don’t go into the fight with a hand tied behind your back. Or, football metaphor: Don’t get into the game without some big guys on your side.

    Alby: Christine O’Donnell’s fat ass could be hard to clear.

  14. Alby says:

    “Christine O’Donnell’s fat ass could be hard to clear.”

    Fair enough. Especially for a wee little fella like Coonsie.

  15. Teddy R says:

    Jason–Coons is a turd from time to time, and some of the peace love and bipartisan stuff is a massive waste, but having the head of judiciary publicly take a swipe at the majority leader is pretty interesting palace intrigue. Now, who knows if Grassley has the votes to get it out of committee, but the fact that he might let it get a vote is ballsy.

    Chuck from Iowa knows what he is doing and how his words will be interpreted by those on the right and Mitch. When the head of Judiciary marks his territory like this, I actually think its interesting.

    I know you really dont like Coons and his bipartisan efforts, think he should be more of a Bernie Bro, but think you might be wrong on this one.

    If you disagree, let me know who in DE you think is standing up to Trump the most. Feel free to include the former VP who keeps threatening to beat him up while clearly more interested in his book tour.

    Still waiting on one of you to announce you are going to run against Lisa or TC. Then you could show us all how to fight and this blog would be filled with nothing but praise and admiration for your efforts.

  16. Alby says:

    “having the head of judiciary publicly take a swipe at the majority leader is pretty interesting palace intrigue.”

    You clearly need to get out more.

    Tell you what — one of us will run right after career politician Grover Norquist declares he’ll stand for election. Right after Rush Limbaugh. Right after Sean Hannity.

    What kind of asshole thinks only people who run for office have any right to complain? What office have YOU run for, Mr. Palace Intrigue?

    “If you disagree, let me know who in DE you think is standing up to Trump the most. Feel free to include the former VP who keeps threatening to beat him up while clearly more interested in his book tour.”

    It’s clearly not you. And you obviously don’t know how to move books, either.

  17. RE Vanella says:

    I like that Teddy is obsessed with our pending political campaigns. I guarantee he dreams about us. You can tell.