Delaware Liberal

April 21 Open Thread: Stable Genius Implicates Himself

Very stable genius Donald Trump sort of admitted Michael Cohen has dirt on him this morning, tweeting that the New York Times would fail in its effort to get Cohen to flip on him. Of course, if he had nothing to hide, he has no reason to worry about Cohen flipping, a little detail the Fuckstick in Chief apparently overlooked. He did, however, delete and retweet when it was pointed out that he repeatedly misspelled Maggie Haberman’s name.

The story that set him off pointed out that Cohen’s trumpeted loyalty might be as big a pile of bullshit as anything in Trumpworld. The story noted that Cohen has a young family and that Trump has routinely treated Cohen like shit for years. I would add that Cohen, as much as anyone in Trump’s orbit, knows that Trump’s supposed wealth is another pile of bullshit. So what would his reason for staying loyal be? Unless the Russians want to kill him, too, of course.

Esquire’s Charles Pierce has done as much as any pundit to direct attention to depravity of ICE under Trump. He uses the story of the no-warrant seizure of a dairy worker in upstate New York — in which seven heavily armed agents showed up to handcuff one man and then locked up the farm’s owner when he demanded to see a warrant — to point out that this is exactly the kind of shit that led to the American Revolution.

The Democratic National Committee made some positive news for a change by filing suit against the Trump campaign and Wikileaks over stolen emails. The filing made news because in it the DNC lays out a more detailed timeline of the theft than we had previously.

Dennis Kucinich has fooled a lot of people with his liberal shtick over the years, but underneath he’s a mutt. That was shown again by whoever dug up the fact that he’s taking donations from Assad cronies from Syria. Nice friends ya got there, Denny. Make ’em yourself?

Speaking of mutts, it turns out that Sean Hannity is part-owner of a company he heavily promotes on his shows.

Trump’s federal court appointments have run the gamut from horrid to egregious, but I think we might not be stuck with the worst ones for life. If they keep writing opinions the way this guy did — apparently he doesn’t understand the difference between a legal opinion and his personal opinion — they can be impeached. If national Democrats were worth half a shit, they’d already be working on a plan for it.

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