Gun Owner Uses Assault Rifle for its Intended Purpose – Killing People in a Waffle House
Not a “sportsman” not someone “protecting” his family. Just a garden variety killer doing what killers do with the best killing tool at his disposal.

Police spokesman Don Aaron said three people died at the scene and one person died at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. Two other people were being treated there for gunshot wounds. Medical Center spokeswoman Jennifer Wetzel said one was in critical condition and the other was in critical but stable condition.
Aaron said the gunman arrived at the restaurant, sat in the parking lot for four minutes and shot two people with an assault rifle. The gunman then went inside and continued firing.
A 29-year-old male patron inside the restaurant grabbed the rifle from the suspect and tossed it over a counter, Aaron said.
“No doubt he saved many lives by wrestling the gun away and tossing it over the counter and prompting the man to leave,” Aaron said. He called the patron a “hero.”
How about the absolute unit who disarmed this maniac. Good guy with no gun.
Now that’s what’s up. #hero
“The newspaper said Shaw was grazed by a bullet, treated and released.”
After listening to the FBI talk about revoking the shooters foid card. I googled it. Not a bad thing in my opinion. Calling Delaware law makers. Given Illinois stance on gun ownership and rights, it should be easy to track the gun back to the “a hole” that gave or got that that whack job a womd.
How about that. It turns out you can stop a bad guy with a gun by taking the gun away.
Word is that the shooter was upset by the Waffle House ‘No Shirt, No Shoes, No Knuckleheads’ edict:
Well observed Puck. Proof that confiscation works.
What’s the headline from rwnj space look like?
“Evil black man assaults and steals gun from white Waffle House customer.”
A self-proclaimed ‘sovereign citizen’ who had been involved in previous incidents with that weapon:
It is always someone obsessed with his “rights” who thinks nothing of taking away other Americans rights to exists.
Selfish sociopathic narcissism