Denis McGlyn Paycheck Enhancement bill passes first test

Filed in National by on April 25, 2018

The State News’ usually good Matt Bittle neglects to mention that the $15 million in welfare is going, ultimately, into the pockets of Dover Downs executives who give themselves raises EVERY YEAR in spite of being shitty at running a business that is a virtual monopoly.

DOVER — A Senate committee on Wednesday approved legislation that would offer Delaware’s three casinos tax relief, the most significant step in regard to casino aid in years.

The bill could be voted on as soon as today after being released by the Senate Finance Committee.

Senate Substitute 1 for Senate Bill 144 would slightly lower the tax rate on slots, eliminate the table game license fee and slash the table game tax rate.

I get why Denis McGlyn walks around Leg Hall looking for ever more welfare. What I don’t get is how Brian Bushweller, and Trey Paradee can be so easily duped into giving it to him.

Photo: Brian “Bushy” Bushweller looking exactly like the kind of guy you’d think would be against welfare. Well… welfare for poor people anyway.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. jason330 says:

    One of the unanswered questions in Biddle’s piece is why does Bushweller have such an all consuming desire to shove tax money – that could be going to schools – at McGyln? It is fairly obvious on its face that Bushy is getting something on the back end but what?

    There’s your story, Matt.

  2. bamboozer says:

    Suspect the Bushmaster is eying a post politics job at this point and is setting the stage to line his own pockets. Gee, we’ve never seen that in Delaware, at least since late last week.

  3. chris says:

    Dover Downs dumps a lot of campaign contributions into a lot of down stater coffers of both parties. Matt Biddle should do an article on that.

  4. Alby says:

    @chris: It’s easy enough to look up. Why don’t you do it?

  5. chris says:

    Legislation also removes prohibition on racinos from being open on Christmas and Easter. Boy, they want to squeeze every nickel out of slot players… can’t even get a day off for those employees on those holidays.

  6. Jason330 says:

    If you read the DSN article to the end you get a picture of a bunch of smug assholes.

  7. James from Iowa says:


  8. spktruth says:

    Our State has a gambling problem. Remind us again who was Governor when we got into the biz. HUD secretary Carson hasn’t lost his touch, he wants to make the poorest of the poor living in federal housing pay 3 times more than now. Why? Cuz he believes they are lazy and just need to get a job! Little does this small head know the majority are elderly, disabled, mentally unstable etc…who can’t work, or single women with children living hand to mouth. How can any poor or middle class person vote for the Pukes.’

  9. chris says:

    Casino bailout bill easily passed State Senate 17-3.

    NO votes were Greg Lavelle, Ernie Lopez and Bobby Marshall.
    Gary Simpson not voting, hes on Harrington Board I think.

    Fiscal note says $15 million first year , then $20 million, state giving back per year.

  10. Alby says:

    Disgraceful but not surprising.

  11. House could be more interesting. Schwartzkopf is not a fan of the casino closed-shop.