The jokes write themselves. The NRA convention, the ultimate gathering of self-defined good guys with guns, has banned their fetish objects for a speech by VP Mike Pence because the tyrannical federal government told them to.
While conservatives have spontaneous orgasms about the prospect of peace on the Korean peninsula, Max Boot throws cold water on their joy by pointing out that the leaders of the two Koreas played out this same charade back in 2000.
That high-pitched whine you hear today is the wailing of conservatives who are upset that comedian Michelle Wolf insulted Sarah Huckabee Sanders to her face and told jokes that made fun of them. All they want is a little respect for their ignorant prejudices and retrograde ideas, is that so wrong?
While most political observers think Republicans are in for a November drubbing, the message isn’t reaching Trump, who insists all is going swimmingly. He’s either bonkers or knows something about Russian election rigging that he’s uncharacteristically not talking about.
It appears Michael Cohen is being thrown under a whole fleet of taxi cabs: The National Enquirer, a Trump house organ, trashed Cohen as a liar, which will probably be the same tack Trump’s lawyers take in trying to delegitimize whatever investigators found in Cohen’s files.
If you’re looking for a Sunday long read, this analysis of superhero films as neo-liberal propaganda raises some interesting points about our hero-worshiping society and the myths it tells itself to maintain the status quo.