Some old dude thinks the U of D is too liberal
A confused fucknut wrote to us through the tipline.
The most remarkable thing about your article I found while searching for information about how liberal UD has become since I studied there is information about walk-in tubs. Good work, we need more information on walk-in tubs.
I am interested in how liberal the UD has become because I am 72 years old now and have been approached about leaving a bequest to UD. While I’d very much like to support UD, the coastal engineering study and research that is going on there and the athletic programs that were as important to me then as they are to students today, another thing liberals probably don’t understand because they don’t want people to get hurt. Leave that to the athletes, and leave politics to politicians, stop trying to indoctrinate malleable young minds with your short sighted narrow minded political ideals.
No, I won’t be leaving a bequest, I most definitely do not want to support the liberal thought that is unfortunately being promulgated on campus, and losing my financial support is the direct result of the University allowing people like you to get away with your nonsense on campus instead of letting the students go to the university and do what they went there for, getting an eduction. You may forward a copy of this to Heather Barron with whom I was discussing leaving a bequest. As a final comment, if I were younger and just graduating from high school today, I would not choose UD. – Ken Humiston
Fox cognitive damage.
Yeah. Fox News has done a real number on guys like this.
He’d go to Bob Jones U. I suppose.
Is it just a coincidence that I’m seeing a targeted ad for walk-in tubs between the second and third grafs of that excerpt?
He lives in Florida. That explains a lot. I wonder what article set him off.
U of D must be getting desperate if they’re going after past grads for bequests. “Hey, Mr. Humiston, hurry up and die so that we can get your money.” Must have been all that money that they gave to former execs.
I have to say that I have donated to the U of D in the past. Two cents. I even got a very nice letter of thanks.
@MD “U of D must be getting desperate if they’re going after past grads for bequests.”
Don’t nearly all colleges do that?
@KH “I most definitely do not want to support the liberal thought that is unfortunately being promulgated on campus…”
That’s called “getting an education”. Having any critical thoughts at all, now counts as being liberal, according to the enemies of actually thinking.
They give out Liberal Arts degrees, but not Conservative Arts degrees. Where is the fairness in that?
UD faculty still includes Linda Gottfredson, whose research carries on the work of Charles Murray of “Bell Curve” fame. She’s way liberal.
So is Eleanor Craig, supply-side economist and Pete du Pont adviser. Way, way liberal.
I could go on but it’s late and those two are off the top of my head. Ain’t many liberals in the Lerner School of Business. I don’t know most of them personally, but the ones I do are supply siders all the way.
In short, Mr. Humiston is a poor spokesman for a UD education, as he shows no capacity for critical thinking.
Per U. of Delaware donations: I suggested they stop sending me requests for money and consider the time and money saved as my donation to the school. As of yet no thank you note received.
Well, there’s that ‘liberal’ Ed Freel imparting his Third Way wisdom to the Leaders Of Tomorrow. Oh, wait…
Y’know, Dan, I think you’re on to something. He probably mistook the ad for ‘walk-in-tubs’ for some sort of liberal screed, this bein’ Delaware Liberal ‘n all.
Yeah, anyone who is polite, educated or cultured is clearly indoctrinated at a university.
I find it hilarious that he thinks DL is affiliated with the University and that we are “promulgating our nonsense on campus” like some kind of improv company.
Not that I am opposed to promulgated nonsense on campus. Hit me up UD money guys. The lost wingnut bequest dough will be more than offset by the economic windfall attending Delaware snagging a spot Forbes list of top 25 Universities that indoctrinate malleable young minds.
I’m up for the liberal improv troupe. Let me know the rehearsal schedule.
This is hilarious. UDel has the most conservative, corporate administration. I refuse to give after learning they are still making payments to high level execs who are long gone like Harker and Davis. no thanks.