A confused fucknut wrote to us through the tipline.
The most remarkable thing about your article I found while searching for information about how liberal UD has become since I studied there is information about walk-in tubs. Good work, we need more information on walk-in tubs.
I am interested in how liberal the UD has become because I am 72 years old now and have been approached about leaving a bequest to UD. While I’d very much like to support UD, the coastal engineering study and research that is going on there and the athletic programs that were as important to me then as they are to students today, another thing liberals probably don’t understand because they don’t want people to get hurt. Leave that to the athletes, and leave politics to politicians, stop trying to indoctrinate malleable young minds with your short sighted narrow minded political ideals.
No, I won’t be leaving a bequest, I most definitely do not want to support the liberal thought that is unfortunately being promulgated on campus, and losing my financial support is the direct result of the University allowing people like you to get away with your nonsense on campus instead of letting the students go to the university and do what they went there for, getting an eduction. You may forward a copy of this to Heather Barron with whom I was discussing leaving a bequest. As a final comment, if I were younger and just graduating from high school today, I would not choose UD. – Ken Humiston