‘Bulo’s Fave Tunes of April 2018: Part Deux
Might even be stronger than Part Un. But that’s for you to decide:
I’m 67 years old. Why do I find music from this teenager to be so compelling?:
I want them at the Arden Gild Hall. Working on it…:
They’re gonna be big. REAL big:
We close with the most age-appropriate tune o’ the bunch (old guys rock!). Featuring Los Straitjackets:
I like Say Sue Me the best, maybe just because I like this style of music best of the bunch. I’m always down with jangly guitars. Didn’t really listen to the lyrics, but that’s probably just as well. And, of course, who wouldn’t like Nick Lowe with the Straitjackets? (More guitars.) The rest are fine but don’t seem like anything special (to me). Some of them could grow on me, though.
I think I really only like music I’ve heard already.
Well, Say Sue Me is Korean, so I’m not sure the lyrics are all that.
I looked up the lyrics on Genius. I rest my case. Actually, they’re not particularly bad. Just not much of anything.
I like the song even better after hearing it again. Korean or not, they play guitar in English.
And I’m already liking Snail Mail more.
Like the Nick Lowe tune and Tank and the Bangas to some extent, the others move me not at all.