The headline comes from this story about the ways gun manufacturers already are working on products designed to circumvent bans on bump stocks and other after-market products that turn legal firearms into questionably legal ones. This is why gun nuts want to get very specific about what’s banned — it gives them a guidebook on how to work around the intent of the laws.
Likewise, Javanka broke lots of precedents but apparently no laws in enriching themselves in office. The same RWNJs who went apoplectic at Hillary Clinton collected hundreds of thousands in speaking fees have no problem with collecting tens of millions in business deals goosed along by their political power.
On the other hand, New York State alleges they broke several laws by running Trump’s phony charity as a tax-free piggy bank.
Members of the cult known as the GOP still screech about Hillary Clinton, apparently unaware that Trump does all the same things they complain about, only on a much larger scale. Hillary’s unsecured “classified” emails only matter if you’re worried about spies — Russian spies — gaining access to them. Now they get the material straight from the president. The wheel-greasing donations to the Clinton Foundation have been replaced by straight-up payments to Trump companies.
So why don’t RWNJs notice? Because they’ve uncovered yet another nefarious child-sex-ring plot by elite Democrats. Oh, those Democrats are clever, but they slipped up when they left a white painted cross on the ground near an abandoned Cemex plant near Tucson. Everybody has told these armed kooks that the crosses were placed there as reference markers for aerial mapping, but these patriots realized the truth right away: Hillary Clinton’s pedophile ring was here. I guess nobody wants to tell them that if you’re obsessed by the idea of child pedophile rings, you’re probably a pedophile yourself, because only pedophiles spend that much time thinking about pedophilia.