Trump sure is scared of Joe Biden. How do we know? Because spokesghoul Rudy Giuliani went on an unhinged rant about what a “moron” Joe Biden is. This comes from a man who had the brilliant idea of putting his anti-terrorism headquarters in the WTC complex and has left his pecker tracks all over New York, so he certainly knows a moron when he sees one, which is every morning in the shaving mirror. I look forward to Giuliani’s demise, and can only hope he gets the send-off he deserves: Having his ashes flushed down a toilet at the Port Authority.
For all the anger at James Comey over his mishandling of the Hillary Clinton investigation, we would do well to remember what he was up against: The very sort of rogue FBI agents Trump claims are out to get him. The truth is that the New York office of the FBI was out to get Clinton, as steaming turd Devin Nunes admitted on Fox last night, or, as he spun it, “good FBI agents” gave him — leaked — the information about messages being found on Anthony Weiner’s laptop.
Not every reporter at the Delaware State News can be Matt Bittle, so this report on disgraced geriatric basketball coach Bobby Knight’s fund-raiser for Rob Arlett in Millville last night fails to include an important fact. The reporter does note that “more than 100 people attended the rally that lasted well over an hour,” but never mentions the ticket price, which is, after all, the whole point of a fund-raiser. (I checked every bit of media I could and nobody anywhere bothered to mention the ticket price. Journalism has gone to shit since I left.) It’s nice to have a photo, though, because it shows Arlett has been campaigning under 10-year-old photos. Check out this one and you’ll see he’s just as old as Shufflin’ Tom Carper.
For those who care what Trump is up to, at last glance he was complaining that the iconic photo of his looking like a recalcitrant toddler at the G7 meeting is “fake.” A photograph. Who are you going to believe, Trump or that lying camera lens?