More Trump performances, please, like the one he put on for House Republicans Tuesday night. They gathered with him to hear how to proceed with Trump’s immigration fiasco but instead got yet another unhinged rant about everything but. He was even booed — by House Republicans! — when he launched into a nasty attack on Rep. Mark Sanford, who wasn’t there, naturally, because Trump would never say it to his face. This is the sort of thing that, repeated often enough, will convince a lot of his caucus that’s he either suffering from dementia or just nucking futz.
Pair the nasty looniness with the way Trump’s policies keep kicking GOP office-holders in the balls and perhaps more Republicans will try to distance themselves from Fat Carrot Top. Even the Washington Examiner is running stories quoting GOP strategists who warn that this policy is a political suicide bomb.
There’s only one major American political party dumber than the Democrats, but Team Blue does give America’s mouth-breathing Republicans a run for their money. Just look at all the Democratic congressional candidates running on the promise to vote against Nancy Pelosi for House speaker.
If satire is moot in Trumpworld, so are some forms of lowbrow entertainment. Reality has gotten too lurid for even the “Jerry Springer Show”, which is staring at the end of its 27-year run. Given his previous political experience — he was, remember, mayor of Cincinnati — I think Trump might have found a replacement for Sarah Huckabee Sanders.