This isn’t a mystery. DC-based Democrats like Coons and Carper validate the GOP by pushing a watered down version of GOP talking points. In contrast, Harris is a new breed of Democrat that sees through the GOP’s media game. Harris and other insurgent Democrats like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are fighting for basic Democratic values in part by ignoring the GOP’s nonsense.
But put a pin in basic Democratic values for a second, and let’s take a step back and look at how and why Coons and Carper constantly push GOP talking points. Are they are slightly watered down GOP talking points? Yes. But they are GOP talking points nonetheless, and they have a pernicious effect on Democratic strategy and unity.
Eschaton provides this tidy summary of how DC-based Democrats like Coons and Carper are played by Republicans, (or perhaps simply play along with the GOP to serve their own ends).
The Right is good at making any issue into the issue of the day. There isn’t one single reason for that, though the why/how isn’t the point of this post. The point is that they make an issue a thing, and then there’s a tendency by too many Democrats (elected and pundits) to agree that the issue is actually an issue. Then they’ve already lost. For example, when Trump says we need to build a wall, and Chuck Schumer comes out bragging that some bipartisan bill is a much better way to achieve needed better border security because of all the wonky rea[zzzzzz…] all voters hear is “we need better border security” and what they conclude is “wow I guess we need that wall.”
…once Democrats start telling voters that they’re better at delivering what the Republicans say they want, they’ve lost. The Republicans have already made it their issue, the Democrats have agreed the Republicans are correct but we’re just arguing about the details, and voters who think that issue is important know who to vote for.
And voters who disagree don’t have any champions. It isn’t true that if you give the voters a choice between a Republican and a Republican they’ll vote for the Republican every time. Plenty just won’t vote at all.
When DC-based Democrats like Coons and Carper identify themselves as ersatz Republicans, the voters stay home in droves. How do I know that? I have eyes.
But if my word isn’t good enough for you, just check out Trump v Clinton vote totals.
The media likes to report that Clinton’s share of the popular vote was 51% – but that isn’t accurate. Her real total was 26%, because 48% of eligible voters voted “no thanks.”
When Dems act like Republicans, they allow Republicans like Trump to win with vanishingly small popular vote totals.
This is the predictable out working of turning Democratic messaging and policy making over to Sean Hannity. So in addition to championing basic Democratic values, this election provides us all an opportunity to help Harris and other insurgent Dems break the cycle of media dysfunction that DC Democrats like Coons and Carper have foisted on the country.