Delaware Liberal

July 23 Open Thread: Who’s Going to Clean Up This Mess?

At this point, Trump is like a drunken frat boy lying on the floor in a puddle of his own piss loudly declaring, “I’m all right!” A lot of Republicans are going to believe him for the simple reason that the first one who acknowledges the obvious truth will have to mop the floor.

It’s a day ending in Y, so Trump tweeted out a bunch of bullshit and threats, which the media of course played up because nothing else is happening, and the media doesn’t want to make a big deal out of the fact that more people have been killed in the U.S. this year by rednecks operating DUCK boats than by terrorists — 17 more, in fact. Unless you’re a paid media person, there’s no reason to pay attention to these tweets.

There are also lots of stories about how Brett Kavanaugh is actually Gozer the Destroyer, which amount to ghost stories told around the campfire for liberals who like to keep themselves in a state of panic.

About the only story worth linking to, and that only for purposes of schadenfreude, is the WaPo’s account of how Trump is pissed off that North Korea isn’t playing its role in his fantasy properly.

There’s also some polling on Trump’s tariffs, which naturally are still supported by Republicans, though it should be noted that the big split is between — sit down for this — the educated and the uneducated.

Beyond that, I see little reason to engage with the media today. If you have something better, please post the link.

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