This account by Florida TV station WFLA affirms that Michael Drejka, the armed dickhead who gunned down a black man for pushing him in a convenience store parking lot, is indeed from Delaware. He’s been in Florida for the past 12 or 13 years, and proved himself a racist hothead several times. One patron of the store said he dropped an N-bomb on him a couple of months ago. He had a run-in with the law over a road rage incident some years back.
But both the county’s sheriff and prosecutor have refused to file charges on the grounds that Drejka’s quick trigger finger was justified under the state’s Stand Your Ground law. That’s pure bullshit — the victim stepped back, not towards the shooter, at the sight of the gun — but as Slate’s Jamelle Bouie points out, the law essentially gives white men the same blanket immunity police have for shooting when the gunman “feels threatened.”
All lives matter? Not hardly. When people say all lives matter, they mean white ones matter more.