The Florida sheriff who refused to arrest Delaware native Michael Drejka for shooting an unarmed black man in a convenience store parking lot misapplied the law in the case, according to both the NRA and the Florida lawmaker who authored the state law.
Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan is toast, but he still thinks he can pull a Trump by brazening his way out of the Ohio State ball-fondling scandal. Now he’s claiming that none of the coaches was aware of it, which contradicts on-the-record statements by some of those involved. Maybe Roseanne Barr can warn him that this approach works only for Trump.
Politico talked to campaigners from both parties for its story predicting a wider field of battleground states in the 2020 presidential election.
Amanda Marcotte argues that Trump supporters will never admit they’re wrong, but they will slink away from defending him, just as GOP voters did with George W. Bush in the last years of his presidency, which could dull turnout among the marginally faithful.
For those who like caper flicks, the most entertaining story of the day is the tale of how the guy who headed security for the firm that made game pieces for the McDonald’s Monopoly contest stole the winning pieces and gave them to cronies for 12 years before he was finally caught by the FBI. Naturally, the guy was an ex-cop. Highly entertaining read.