I said that I was going to write up some questions for Carper but I’m having a bit of a time with it. I have these few, but if anyone wants to help me out in the comments section, I’d be in your debt.
Jason330: Senator, you’ve had a long career of serving your corporate benefactors. For a decent part of that long span of time I imagine you’ve been able to rationalize your zealous support of corporations by thinking that if “the economy improved” your actual humans in Delaware would benefit. So what rationalization are you working with now that your original rationalization has shit the bed so spectacularly?
Jason330: Manchin and Hietkamp have an excuse, but you are the worst “Blue State” Senator by a mile. You vote with Trump more than any other Senator from a state won by Clinton. When it comes to resisting Trump, your track record is utterly execrable. Is it that you don’t view Trump as an emergency situation, you just didn’t give a shit, or you view yourself as politically invincible?
Jason330: I have to think you live in a pretty durable bubble, what with staffers and lobbyists kissing your ass all of the time. Do you have any real sense of how much working Delawareans loathe you and are disgusted by your body of work?