Aug. 21 Open Thread: The Great Security Clearance Purge

Filed in National, Open Thread by on August 21, 2018

The Great Security Clearance Purge has dominated headlines for the past couple of days, mainly because Trump is enjoying his unfettered power to punish people who displease him and it gives reporters a new reason to be shocked, shocked at his disrespect for norms. What most of those reporters are missing is how out-of-character it is for high-ranking intelligence community officials to speak about politics at all, so the public is apt to underestimate the dangers they are warning about. The New Yorker points out that Trump has been toying with this for quite a while.

That’s partly because the media still insists on giving Trump the benefit of the doubt, unwilling to confront the obvious reality of a treasonous president. As a result, stories like the one about Russian government hackers going after anti-Trump conservative groups are offered up without much context instead of being presented as further evidence of the obvious.

Funny thing about all those laments about how Trump’s thuggish behavior has irrevocably changed politics — most such articles, like this one from Damon Linker at The Week, are written as if both sides have descended into the sewer, instead of pointing out that Republicans alone are behaving this way.

Will the DNC ever learn it has no constituency? Apparently not. They plan to have Hillary Clinton headline fund-raisers for candidates in three blue states. Living in the past isn’t just for Confederacy fans anymore.

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  1. Dana Garrett says:

    Hillary to headline fund raisers for Dems? Well, she does have the corporate connections. Remember? Those connections she refised to release her transcripts of speeches to while she ran for prez.

  2. The Manafort jury has apparently reached agreement on 17 of the 18 charges. They’re hung up on the 18th. I don’t see that as good news for Manafort.

  3. Jason330 says:

    “..most such articles…are written as if both sides have descended into the sewer, instead of pointing out that Republicans alone are behaving this way.”

    While I don’t “the media” is the enemy of America, or whatever bullshit thing Trump said about them. I do think they have earned a lot of scorn and derision.

  4. RE Vanella says:

    So it looks like Cohen is taking a plea deal. I suppose Manafort is close to a guilty verdict (no word yet).

    I still think somehow Trump completely isolated from this, firewall style.

    Still, as “the president” would say, not good, folks.

  5. RE Vanella says:

    Manafort guilty. Cohen pleads to 8 charges.

    As the vice turns.

    • mediawatch says:

      @RealDonaldTrump: Not as guilty as Mueller thought. Incredible waste of prosecution’s time and our tax dollars. Besides, I never knew the guy.

  6. RE Vanella says:

    Just read some transcribed court stuff from the Cogen plea. It’s pretty clear “the candidate” is a co-conspirator in the crimes Cohen just plead guilty to…

    This is going to get nuts.

  7. Two of the key Cohen counts implicate the President: Count 7: Pled guilty to helping to spike the McDougal story by selling it to the National Enquirer with the intent of burying it; Count 8: Pled guilty to buying the silence of Stormy Daniels.

    Yup, REV. Unindicted co-conspirator.

  8. RE Vanella says:

    Judge: Did you know at the time you were breaking the law?

    Cohen: Yes


    It’s on audio tape…conspiring with Trump… Hahaha.

  9. Jason330 says:

    A good day for the resistance.

  10. Jason330 says:

    The ultimate trial is the election. If Democrats don’t turn out en mass for this midterm we don’t deserve to be called Americans.