Podcast of Kathleen Davies on the Rick Jensen Show

Filed in National by on August 23, 2018

DL-endorsed candidate for auditor, Kathleen Davies, spent an hour on the Rick Jensen Show on WDEL answering questions about her years as second-in-command under Audtitor Tom Wagner and the controversy surrounding her removal from the job. It’s worth a listen if you’re not sure who to believe in the contretemps.

h/t John Kowalko.

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  1. john kowalko says:

    After listening to this podcast you should take stock of the reality that all of you, as voters, are facing. The upper echelons of State government are occupied by petty vindictive personalities whose own sense of entitlement is what drives them. This is not exclusive to one party or the other. BOTH parties and members of both parties are responsible for this urgent need to self-aggrandize and diminish any and all challengers to the status quo crafted by wealthy and powerful corporations willingly assisted and enabled by powerful lobbying interests. There is a nasty smell emanating from the bowels of Dover and no one in power will open a window or door to air out the stench. The unmitigated gall of someone in Auditor Wagner’s office to engage in falsifying facts, casting false aspersions to tarnish the reputation of an individual of the highest integrity such as Kathleen Davies (aided by the sensationalist tabloid media “coverage” throughout the state) is leading the State government and that cooperating media to a previously unthinkable plateau of disgrace heaped on themselves. Shame on them and pity the public who must sort through this putrid quagmire of salacious rumor-mongering to cast a ballot for qualified and honest public servants.
    Representative John Kowalko

  2. RE Vanella says:

    John, you’re among friends here.

  3. Karen Kinsella says:

    Thanks to Ms. Davies and Misters Kowalko and Jensen for providing us with this clarification. I did catch the broadcast and was left troubled and angry. Mr. Kowalko, you and Davies did a good job of fully conveying these disturbing facts on the radio, but in a less inflammatory manner. Thanks for spelling it out more explicitly here.

  4. Rufus Y. Kneedog says:

    Rep Kowalko; I think you pulled some punches at the end of the podcast. It’s pretty obvious McGuiness has the most to gain by leaking the report. Regardless of the outcome of the primary, I hope you keep pushing for an investigation. Leaking that report was dirty even by Delaware standards.

  5. john kowalko says:

    Not actually pulling punches if you don’t have proof positive or substantial evidence of who. Hence my request to Denn to investigate to expose who is responsible.

    Unfortunately, as has been the case in the last four legitimate asks for help from DOJ re FOIA and other matters Matt Denn has been librarian-like silent and less than enthusiastic. I see this as a major symptom of the “Delaware Way” status quo powerful interests protectionism.

    Now if you are looking for a “usual suspect” list based purely on conjecture and beneficial motivation you should probably include Wagner himself (unless you think he has performed adequately or appropriately throughout his tenure), Mr. Fluharty (Auditor Chief of Communications???) and former “Executive Director” of the Delaware Republican party (maybe protecting his job longevity if a leadership change happens). You could even look at the number of legitimate audit investigations into DOE, SEU and Charter School finances that were stifled before they could become an embarrassment for the “Delaware Way” power structure.

    I would propose that instead of a diet of assumption and conjecture being fed to the public that AG Denn get into the kitchen and whip up a recipe for a satisfying meal not accompanied by a dessert of “not my agencies responsibility” or “executive privilege” prevents further review.

    Representative John Kowalko