Delaware Liberal

The Intercept Flays Carper With His Own Record of Serving Big Banks

It’s no secret the folks at The Intercept, Glenn Greenwald’s “adversarial reporting” web site, don’t like Tom Carper. They’ve run several pieces supporting Kerri Harris and attacking Carper, including references to his wife-“slapping” episode and how he lied about it for years.

That’s a dead end for opposing Carper. No opponent will use it for the simple reason that polling shows it doesn’t move the needle for Delawareans. Most voters remain unaware it ever happened, so thoroughly did the News Journal ignore it 22 years ago. I’ve been harping on it since the Al Franken affair not to shame Carper but to highlight the hypocrisy of Kirsten Gillibrand.

The issues present a more favorable battlefield. The Intercept demonstrated that yesterday by laying out Carper’s history regarding banks. It’s long, detailed and decidedly unpretty. The Harris campaign should forward it to every registered voter on their lists.

Politicians like Carper (Coons and Biden, too, when banking is involved) support the state’s major industries not because so many people work for them but because they hand out big donations. Far more Delawareans don’t work for banks, and they get screwed over just like every other American.

The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. Their votes work that way, too.

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