Kerri lives in Kent County, works in New Castle County, and advocates in Sussex County. Kerri is a working person, parent, and someone who is constantly improving.
Here’s some of the stats on this race:
We’ve communicated with over 100,000 voters in Delaware
We’ve raised over $175,000 (which was ahead of our goal and allowing us to increase our budget and reach out to even more voters!)
We’ve developed over 800 volunteers
We’ve been averaging 2-3 press hits a day over these past few months (we even had to get a bigger venue for tomorrow’s election night watch party to accommodate all the press and volunteers coming)
Kerri won the debate with Sen. Carper (even his supporters told me Kerri won)
What was once impossible, is now inevitable.
Drew Serres
Campaign Manager
Bethany Hall Long is the best retail politiican in Delaware. As I’ve mentioned here many times, what she lacks in ideas she more than compensates for in work ethic.
When she was my state Rep I watched her speak to voters, and at the end of the conversation she’d write the person’s name in a book she carried. She was totally driven to add names to her list of supporters and she knew making her case face to face was the way to go.
I think BHL may be about to lose her title. Instead of a book, Kerri Harris has been logging supporters on a spreadsheet. The following pictures are maps derived from that spreadsheet.