Delaware Liberal

Sept. 5 Open Thread: Woodward Confirms What We All Know

Official Washington’s reaction to Bob Woodward’s book is exactly what you’d expect in Kabuki theater: People are shocked, shocked to learn that “the adults” in the White House have been working overtime to try to pretend that the Trump White House is operating like a real government. There’s nothing that’s been revealed so far that sounds the least bit surprising. Even the tepid White House response points to an administration that’s driven the Hatemobile about as far as it will go on this tank of bile.

Brett Kavanaugh is going to be confirmed as a Supreme Court justice, but Democrats at least decided to make some noise about it. The most damning image of the day, however, had nothing to do with politicians. It came when the father of a Parkland shooting victim tried to confront Kavanaugh during a break, only to have Kavanaugh turn on his heel. It demonstrated better than any testimony could what a sniveling little shit he is.

As if we needed a reminder that money is the root of all greed, the south Jersey couple who started a Go Fund Me page for a homeless good Samaritan apparently spent it on themselves, and the homeless guy is back on the streets. No good deed goes unpunished.

A Texas man apparently had enough and rammed his truck into a Fox News station in Dallas, screaming “High treason!” While I applaud his moxie, this approach would be more fruitful if it were applied to Fox HQ in New York.

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