Delaware Liberal

Democrats Should Not Fight, Or Republicans will “___X___”

This stupid bullshit trying to pass for “analysis” inevitably comes up when Democrats are presented with an opportunity to confront Republican malfeasance.

Today’s version goes something like…”Democrats should not fight the Kavanaugh nomination, or Republicans will be energized to vote in the midterms.” I can only reply, “Are you fucking kidding me?” to this kind of nonsense.

Republicans don’t need Democrats to energize GOP base voters. The GOP base is at peak excitement 24/7/365. Entire media empires have been built on energizing dumbfucks to vote against their economic interest. Going easy on Kavanaugh, or Trump doesn’t win Democrats any friends. Playing nice doesn’t make Democrats look fair, or high minded. It makes them look like cowering pussys.

Thankfully what Democrats appear to be learning is how to energize their own base by simply telling the unvarnished truth. Brett Kavanaugh is a shit bag who has already lied under-oath during his confirmation testimony. Trump is a lying shit bag in bed with Russia. These are facts. The more Democrats make a habit of telling the truth and ignoring concern trolls, the better.

Just look at the guy – You know he did it.

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