Blackout Drunk Afluenza Asshole, Brett Michael Kavanaugh, Never Had Sex
Blackout drunk afluenza asshole, Brett Michael Kavanaugh, now says that he never “had sex in high school or many years after.”
I actually believe that. His game SUCKED. I mean swinging your dick in some girl’s face?!?! That’s not sexy broh.

Just look at the guy – You know he did it.
He just happened to always pursue the girls who could fight him off.
I think this is some kind of conservo-Catholic thing. Only a fundie would be proud of not fornicating “for many years after.” It also means he must not have visited Dewey Beach.
Although according to his now widely circulated yearbook entry, he appears to have vomited in Rehoboth.
10 points!
Yeah, no sex in college… the 80’s? This is probably the least plausible thing he’s said. We’ll find out soon enough if it’s not true.
Omitted from the statement: “… but not for lack of trying.”
We’ve reached the ‘it all depends on what ‘is’ is’ stage of this.
I’m sure that Kavanaugh doesn’t consider pinning a girl down unwillingly as ‘having sex’.
These encounters sound like they’re more about assault than sex.
I think that’s his ostensible defense. It didn’t happen, but, if it did, it was assault, not sex.
Please don’t impugn Dewey Beach. I have only pure thought when I am there. Although I frequently have to avert my gaze to avoid thought sin!
Ha. To avert too far or you’ll drive over someone falling into the roadway.
The Washington Post found Kav’s wing man and fellow cad Mark Judge…
…in Bethany Beach
Returning to one of the scences of many of the crimes.
These guys look totally innocent and falsely accused…
Just like Bill Clinton……ha-ha
OK. And, so? We can do this without defending Bill Clinton. And if you’re looking for Clinton defenders you’re in the wrong place.
Game’s changed, bud. You may want to try to keep up.
no one thinks Bill Clinton, who will never wield political power or influence again, was falsely accused.
However, the incel liar that is Dryhump Magee is about to be put in charge of deciding what women, who he presumably hasn’t assaulted yet, get to do with their bodies.
These chuds haven’t updated their OS software in quit a while. Soon most of their most dumb shit won’t be supported.
Remember when socialist was a slur! Those were the days, boy.
It was telling that Kavanaugh went on Republican TV to declare his sainthood and youthful celibacy.
On a related note, I was having a discussion with my wife who was of the opinion that going back to someone’s high school days, decades ago, seemed to be overkill. So we discussed the issue and did some thought exercises about when it is appropriate to limit the timeframe. Does it depend on the nature of the act? Does it make a difference that it is a such a high office? Does the life lived afterwards serve to mitigate the act? Certainly, there are acts, regardless of when they occurred which are fatal flaws. Was this one? If I were hiring someone for a “regular” job would this be a show stopper? Do societal changes apply retroactively?
The discussion sort of trailed off after a short time, but generally the conclusion was that the standard for this position is and needs to be extremely high and that regardless of whether we might overlook this in other positions, banning the box does not apply to such an office, regardless of whether the life lived afterwards was stellar or not.
Is he a liar? That is the question at the heart of this. That he is a scumbag is pretty widely known.
All of this “how long ago” and “teenager” and severity would be discussed after he told the truth and apologized.
Since he wants to go with this other routine none of that is relevant.
Poor Brett suffers from affluenza. Just look at him – a-hole written all over that face. He’ll be confirmed because the rich people who control the Republicans want him. The fix is in. VOTE OUT ALL REPUBLICANS – FROM DOG CATCHERT TO POTUS. They are bad for average Americans.