Delaware Liberal

The Kavanaugh False Narrative

So… the media has been framing the Kavanaugh “debate” around who do you believe? Do you believe Christine Blasey Ford or do you believe Brett Kavanaugh. That’s a bullshit construct though.

The question is not who do you believe, but does it matter that Brett Kavanaugh did that shit?

Everyone knows he did it. By everyone, I mean everyone. Tom Kline, Dana, Brett Kavanaugh’s wife, Lindsey Graham. Everyone. They all know he did that shit, but they don’t think it matters.

They think it doesn’t matters because control of the Supreme Court is THAT important. Or, think it doesn’t matters because they don’t think sexual harassment it a real thing*. Or, think it doesn’t matters because boys will be boys. Or they think it doesn’t matters because TEAM RED motherfuckers! For whatever reason, it doesn’t matter. That’s the honest position.

Claims to “believe” Brett Kavanaugh’s version are just silly.

*I’m old enough to have worked with men of a certain age who simply could not understand the concept of workplace sexual harassment.

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