Delaware Liberal

We COULD Have A Progressive-ish AG In Kathy Jennings

No, not someone who would implement the visionary proposals of Chris Johnson. However, Kathy Jennings adopted (appropriated?) many of Chris’ ideas and, unlike Tom Carper, who we know doesn’t support a $15 minimum wage or drug reimporation despite lying about that during his debate with Kerri Harris, Jennings doesn’t have a history that suggests she’s hostile to such ideas.

In fact, she ran with Chris’ proposal for ending cash bail for non-violent offenses and highlighted it in her ubiquitous TV commercials.  She can make an effective push to reform/eliminate cash bail as AG. Not to mention she can also instruct the deputy AG’s to request cash bail more sparingly. After incidents like this, that should be a priority. (BTW, speaking of that incident, didja notice how the public is shut out of the information loop? Under the aegis of the so-called Division of Forensic Science, which is under the purview of the state cops and political hacks like Rebecca Walker. In other words, an ideal agency to cover up wrongdoing.)

Jennings also appropriated Johnson’s proposals regarding clean water in Sussex County. One day after Johnson conducted a public hearing in Sussex County and promoted his plan, Jennings was out with her own plan. Hey, at least it’s a good series of proposals. Pretty much the same ones that Johnson proposed. 

She has moved more towards an anti-death penalty position. Whether she stays there remains to be seen. She has hinted that she’d consider marijuana legalization. We shall see whether she maintains that support, especially with the cops baying at the wind against such a proposal.  She strongly supports ex-offenders having their voting rights restored. So, I think it’s safe to say Chris Johnson has seriously impacted Jennings’ positions.

As to Jennings herself, if you look closely at her issues page, which I strongly suggest, you will see that she has all the makings of a progressive-ish AG in the mold of Matt Denn or Beau Biden. Click on the specific issues windows and you’ll see what I mean.

What I don’t see is any mention that police will be held accountable for even the most egregious abuses of power. I don’t see any mention of reining in civil forfeitures. So, while she is worthy of my vote as she clearly is the superior candidate in November, true justice cannot be achieved until police are held to at least the same standards as ordinary citizens and until legalized theft from ordinary citizens is curtailed. That was part of the power of Chris Johnson’s campaign for me. It remains to be seen whether Jennings, who does have a wealth of experience and is perhaps uniquely positioned to address these issues, chooses to do so.


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