How Will the Gender Gap Play in Delaware?
I’m mostly out of the prediction business. Especially predictions based on polls. And yet, the polling numbers for women, (below) must tell us something about how some of Delaware’s marquee races will shake out. Let’s take a look:
I’d love to be seeing more from COLLEEN DAVIS, but in Ken Simpler she gets the honor of running against Delaware’s version of Brett Kavanaugh. And yet, based on the power of statewide incumbency, still a toss-up.
KATHLEEN MCGUINESS will roll over James Spadola. Other than disallowing a Republican to notch a win, not much to be happy about here.
The power of incumbency is great, but SD 4’s Greg Lavelle seems panicked. “Every single vote matters” is going to loom large in this one. I like LAURA STURGEON in an election night squeaker.
I haven’t heard anything about LOUISA PHILLIPS race in SD16. We all know how unsuited Colin Bonini is for elective office. Do enough SD 16 voters know? Still a Toss-up.
What a fucking dick Ramone turned out to be. I mean, being a Republican there was always the probability that he was a huge dick, but he has certainly dispelled any doubt. STEPHANIE BARRY D Pickup
Learning that GUILLERMINA GONZALEZ is mobbed up with the charter mafia, I’m not as thrilled with her campaign against Smith as I might have been. But I’m not a typical voter. I still have this as a D Pickup.
2018 voting gender gap is becoming an abyss
A Politico/Morning Consult poll showed the biggest gender gap when it comes to voter motivation: 57 percent of women are “very motivated” to vote, while only 32 percent of men are “very motivated.” Even combining the “very motivated” and “somewhat motivated” numbers, women voters still beat men: A total of 81 percent of women are motivated compared with 71 percent of men.
Enthusiastic women voters? Check. A record number of women candidates, the vast majority of them Democrats? Check. A higher percentage of women donating money in record amounts to women and Democratic candidates? Check again. And the most important check mark of all: More women than menturn out to vote.
What have you heard about Gonzalez and charters? Her opponent is a made man in the charter school mafia – is public education screwed either way?
Maybe I misheard something in the Mike Matthews thread.
Atnrey Alleyne and DelawareCAN are heavily backing her. She had a flyer that ticked off a lot of teachers suggesting Delaware schools suck. Anyone that runs with Alleyne these days is immediately suspect in my book. Oddly enough, they are also backing Smith. So either way they will get someone they want in that district.
Quick question, what does “delaware’s version of brett kavanaugh,” mean? Is he accused of sexual assault or something?
Sent pledges to hospital in a alcojol hazing incident. Many were in very serious condition and nearkt died.
So no not sexual assault, just the regular kind.
Colleen Davis has been working hard. A good Democratic turnout and Simpler is history
McGuinnes will be a good Auditor. Spadola says he will be independent, but his finance report is a who is or was who of Republicans- large contributions from Tom Wagner, Charley Copeland, pro lifer Ellen Barosse, right wing bigot state senators Colin Bonnini and Dave Lawson! That is just a start
Dave Baker is picking up Republican support in the 6th Senate seat and may take out Ernie Lopez
The SD race is not a toss-up. But it could have been–IF Dave McBride and Nicole Poore hadn’t thrown roadblocks in the path of would-be challengers to Bonini. They know that Bonini will be with them in any leadership vote.
I’m tellin’ ya, we need to primary both of them in 2020. I’ve been hearing rumblings…
Spadola losing? That’s a joke
If you mean KMcGuiness is a joke, I agree. That’s the one I’m dead sure about.
I think Spadola’s only chance is to get independents to turn out for him in large numbers. I thought his “ruling party” ad that was running on WDEL was a good start on that theme but I haven’t heard anything from him lately and I wonder if that means he’s running out of $$.
Does anyone know if there are any debates scheduled?
McG would be nuts to debate.
Are you serious on the Colleen Davis hype?
Park city is more qualified to be auditor than Davis is to be treasurer. I cannot believe we didn’t get better candidates this cycle. Such a disappointment for the deldems.
In fairness, if we are going to hate on park city’s lack of qualifications for auditor we have to be equally disappointed in someone with absolutely no financial background running for treasurer.
It’s only fair. Real democrats lost!
@Tony: Unlike auditor, treasurer is a ceremonial position.
I seriously despise Ken Simpler. No hype or anything.
So do you vote for Republicans for those offices?
Still have to pull dem lever out of principle!
Better than R’s!
Just what Delaware needs more Lefties in Government… LOL
Best of luck..
lol. I know, right?