The Legend of Gritty continues to spread, this time with a piece in the New Yorker titled “How the Left won the war for Gritty.” The author notes that Gritty could easily have gone the other way — hockey audiences are notoriously white — but fans disdained him before Jacobin magazine sent out a simple tweet: “Gritty is a worker.” He is now also the star of scads of anti-alt-right memes. Naturally, there’s even a guy who got a Gritty tattoo, which makes you wonder if the sort of person who gets a Gritty tattoo will manage to live long enough to regret it.
You always knew Trump was the kind of sack of shit who would welsh on a bet. Back in July Trump, whose mouth is almost as big as his bald spot, said he’d give Elizabeth Warren $1 million if she took a DNA test that showed she had Native American ancestry. So she did, and she does, and when informed of it, Trump said, “Who cares?” and then denied ever saying what he’s been recorded saying. I just want to point out here that if he never did another thing wrong, mothafucker would still deserve a beatdown for this alone.
This might be Trump’s most lucrative way yet of monetizing his presidency: You can buy his mailing list, which is probably the most comprehensive collection of suckers compiled since the death of P.T. Barnum.
Joe Biden continues to draw large, enthusiastic crowds in Trump country, demonstrating the way in which he’s most useful to the party even if he doesn’t run. It’s a win-win — Joe gets to give fiery speeches, the candidates he gives them for aren’t burdened with his baggage.
Though Democrats are fanatical about avoiding the I-word, political analysts are starting to point out that the pressure from the base for impeachment will be easier to go along with than ignore.
A Michigan man was found guilty after firing a shotgun at a black kid who knocked on his door asking for directions to school. Give me a holler if you ever see a story about this happening to a white kid.