Delaware Stonewall is a bunch of bullshit
In spite of everything we now know about Ramone, Peter Schott has not retracted his endorsement. Fuck that fraud.
And Mitch Crane…? The Stonewall apologist has contracted a bad case of situational ethics. Now he is going around claiming that the Delaware Stonewall endorsement is based on the single issue focus of the cabal. But look what he had to say back in 2016 when some people were saying that a gay-friendly James Spadola might be a good option for Democrats:
So much for the single issue focus. These guys care more about being well connected than they care about endorsements that make sense.
@Jason, I was not an officer of Stonewall in 2016. I was the Sussex Democratic Chair. I had zero involvement in Stonewall, including the endorsement process. Stonewall was headed by Joe Daigle then. I assume Stonewall endorsed Senator McDowell based on his 100% voting record on LGBT issues. As an incumbent with such a voting record,and the fact that in 2016 Stonewall was “Delaware Stonewall Democrats”, Stonewall then would have not even looked at Republican candidates. That changed, like it or not, when the PAC went independent and non-partisan earlier this year.
As to the single-issue piece, that is always the focus. Only one Republican senator- Cathy Cloutier- was a “yes” vote on these issues, when she showed up. It was well known then, and is still today, that the Senate Republican leadership of Gary Simpson and Greg Lavelle were always “no” votes.
“That changed, like it or not…”
I think it is pretty clear that I don’t like it and I’m going to keep on calling out stonewall for endorsing Trump-loving Republicans like Ramone simply because stonewall apparently puts a premium on being well-connected and being invited to the right cocktail parties
FTR – Mitch Crane is just being a good employee.
I know that Crane gets that this mid-term is different, and that this election is a “all hands on deck” situation. It is Schott who is in love with being invited to the right cocktail parties. It is a love that drove the reality of our current situation out of his head. Either that or Schott is just a dumbfuck, and I doubt he is just a dumbfuck.
If Delaware Stonewall has decided that they only a one issue group and that party is no longer of consequence, then I suppose there can little outcry as Democrats decide which are the most important issues for Democrats to push and LGBT simply is no longer on the highest tier of concerns- political objectives.