Ken Simpler is One Creepy Dude
Just look at that creepy smirky picture that he uses AS HIS OFFICIAL PICTURE. What a creep. Also, read his…“I’m not one of THOSE Republicans” editorial. Notice how he tries to make that case while creepily never disclosing his party affiliation? He creepily wants it both ways. “I’m not THAT type of Republicans”…“Yes, I am.” See how he creepily leaves the fact that he and others like him in the Republican Party are propping up Trump? Notice how he creepily tries make the case that he isn’t creepy? Only a creep would try to make that case.
Definitely a smarmy look. A face you’d love to punch.
He grew up with a notoriously tough crowd in a beach town with a steady stream of tourists looking to prove themselves. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind you giving it a try.
Ken fought his way up from the mean streets of Rehoboth where life is cheap? That’s some accomplishment.
Yes, technically Rehoboth, but it sounds better if it’s Dewey, so I’m going with Dewey.
Your new sobriquet is either:
a.) Ambassador RSE
b.) Special Envoy to the Mega City.
Jason. Do a poll.
This is satire, right?
I don’t think so.
Smarmy is the word.
Has anyone heard say anything about returning videotapes?
Nice public service by the News-Journal running that content-free pablum for Simpler just a couple of weeks before an election.
I know, right? Is that going on his reports as an unkind donation?
Coming in next week’s News Journal: Greg Lavelle explains to us how a bill becomes law.
No reason not to expect it. Today we had the usually rational Matt Albright practically telling us we should vote for Republicans for treasurer and auditor and Lavelle (and perhaps some other candidates on their ticket as well) because their work has nothing to do with Trump.
What a load of bullshit from Albright
Have not read the News Journal for a decade and yet feel as if I’ve missed nothing, same for the State News in Dover. However should note that in the case of the State News I have missed several thousand far right rants from those adorable military retirees around the airbase.
You know what I find creepy? Democratic candidate Monique Johns taking Kevin Hensley campaign lit from a door while campaigning
Annnd…here we go. Kids, we’ve been around the block a few times. We know that campaigns on both sides of the aisle will try to work the refs.
We won’t fall for it. Thank you for your attention.
Yeah, that’ll scare the shit out of the kids on Halloween.
Many people would consider the removal of litter a kindness.
They won’t cover something based on facts and hard evidence when it comes to anyone who is a democrat.
Get out of here. Any person who has ever canvassed in their life has taken the opposing campaigns lit to read, this is not news.
Yup. She just wanted some reading material. Why didn’t I think of that?
Simper with Simpler.