Isn’t there a single D in RD 9 who can challenge Kevin Hensley? It’s sure not Monique Johns. She didn’t come close to beating Hensley last time, and now she’s been caught on tape taking her opponent’s campaign lit from a voter’s household. Here’s the News-Journal story.
Here’s her lame apology:
“I work hard to live up to the standards I set for myself and I am disappointed that I fell short in this instance,” she said. “But I intend to move forward in running a positive campaign that’s focused on talking to voters about the real issues facing [Middletown, Odessa and Townsend] and Delaware.”
Oh, shut up. All those touchy-feely words can’t cover up your misdeeds. The fact is, that despite her incredibly weak challenge to Hensley in 2016, the district’s D’s nevertheless chose her against two seemingly superior choices in this year’s primary.
D Chair Erik Raser-Schramm did exactly what he should have done. Disowned her actions:
“Without equivocation, we reject these tactics and call on Ms. Johns to join us in apologizing to Rep. Hensley and the voters of the 9th District, and to recommit herself to running the kind of campaign the Delaware Democratic Party demands from its candidates,” he wrote. “Campaigns are auditions for leadership positions, not win-at-all-cost prank wars.”
You can forget about all that ‘win at all costs’ stuff. Ms. Johns has disqualified herself from consideration for a leadership position.
Maybe next time, a real D will rise up to challenge for the 9th RD seat. This year…is not that year.