Comment Rescue: Heck of a job Tommy!

Filed in National by on October 24, 2018

By the way when all of this comes crashing down and the modest sums working people have been able to put in their 401ks turns in to Confederate script overnight, remember that Tom Carper has been on the banking committee this whole time and has heartily voted for our return to this cruel pantomime posing as an economy.

I hate being right about everything all the time. It is a burden.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (6)

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  1. Jason330 says:

    “Perhaps the biggest financial market story in 2018 so far is the colossal fall from grace of the Chinese stock market, which has witnessed losses in excess of 30% since the start of the year.“

    Probably nothing. No biggie.

  2. bamboozer says:

    What goes up, despite enormous tax cuts for the rich, must come down. Carper is a servant of the rich, he barely tries to hide it, but that’s no surprise. The only surprise is that a crash or major correction has yet to happen. If it happens before the election it’s a brand new ball game. From hell, but so be it.

  3. Tom Kline says:

    Oh boy, the commie’s are out in full force….

    • Ben says:

      And the MAGATs are learning how to use the post office.

      Vote Demitri! What do we have to lose? Dems wont win the Senate OR house. Carper can’t wait to bipartifuck. Let’s die with some dignity.

  4. Past endorsements says:

    Carper is on the banking committee?

    Either fake news, dumb blogger, lazy blogger, or the banking committee website has not been updated in a bit:

    Jesus. Get it right moron. He’s on finance. There is a difference. You are giving dumb bloggers a bad name.

    Plus, we all know Kerri would know what to do about the NASDAQ if she were the nominee.