The same genius behind the Soros Mailbox Bomb seems to be a busy little beaver. Similar devices were also mailed to Bill and Hillary Clinton, Barack and Michelle Obama and the White House, though that last one is just the claim of Sarah Huckabee Sanders so it hasn’t yet been confirmed by truthful sources. CNN was also hit by a bomb scare. Nobody really knows what’s going on, but it must be Democrats, because they’re the only ones who sanction violence, amiright? It also must be somebody so clueless they think famous people fetch and open their own mail. UPDATE: Suspicious packages are being found all over the place. Eric Holder, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, John Brennan and possibly Kamala Harris have all been named as recipients in the past hour or two.
Speaking of bombs, here’s an interview with Trump-supporting Yale computer scientist David Gelernter, who was maimed by one of Ted Kaczynski’s bombs. Read this and you’ll understand why Gelernter got under Kaczynski’s skin. Smart people can say and do some really stupid things. Doesn’t mean you should mail them bombs.
The ranks of the Caravan of Death have been swelled by murderers, rapist and Middle Easterners — well, that’s what Trump heard, even though he admitted he has no proof, meaning he doesn’t have the slightest scrap of evidence of the things he’s alleging at his Nuremberg rallies. Ironically, tens of thousands of Hondurans do have Middle Eastern forebears — they’re known as “Turcos” because most of them arrived with Ottoman Empire passports. Just by the by, 95% of them are Christians, mostly Palestinians who fled the region after World War I.
The White House Council of Economic Advisers, formerly a wonky group of economists, has been refashioned into a propaganda shop under the Trump Interregnum, churning out laughably clumsy anti-socialist screeds like a recent one that compared Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren to Lenin and Stalin. I’d laugh harder if people didn’t claim Brett Kavanaugh has a “brilliant” legal mind, which in reality boils down to “he finds amazing new ways to twist the Constitution like a balloon animal.” More proof “Idiocracy” was intended not just as a comedy but as a warning.
Anyone who thinks Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp should step down from overseeing the state’s elections while he runs for governor doesn’t understand the South, where anything a white man does to defeat a black woman is called patriotism. Unsurprisingly, Kemp apparently told a closed-door meeting with donors that if everyone votes, he’s screwed, which helps explain why 53,000 registrations, almost three-quarters of them from minorities, were rejected by his office.
Screeching liberals are again being blamed for daring to impolitely accost politicians who go out to eat. Digby checked the Constitution and found that no, it does not guarantee a right to eat dinner in peace, but it does grant citizens the right to petition government with grievances. What she finds most disgraceful is that journalists have joined the pity party.