Delaware Liberal

Nov. 1 Open Thread: Donnie Two Scoops Melts Down

The dishiest Beltway reporter these days is definitely Vanity Fair’s Gabriel Sherman, who reports that Trump’s mood is grim and has been ever since Cesar Sayoc’s arrest. Sherman also hears that Steve Mnuchin is among the cabinet officials eyeing the exits post-midterm elections.

Mnuchin’s name is the latest in a lengthening list of administration officials prepared to jump ship. Everyone from Jeff Sessions to Kellyanne Conway is reportedly leaving, along with several other noxious turds (Wilbur Ross, Ryan Zinke) in between.

This isn’t the first time, but another study by social scientists found that congressional aides of both parties badly miscalculate their constituents’ positions, which are actually well to the left of where Beltway dwellers think.

Delawareans know a thing or two about dynastic wealth and the role it plays in perpetuating plutocracy; it’s taken six generations for the du Pont fortunes to reach the level of dilution they have now. In the rest of the country, though, dynastic wealth is increasing. The country’s three richest families control as much wealth as the bottom half of the U.S. population.

Of all the infuriating Trump traits, perhaps the most obnoxious is the constant whining about victimization. A Yale history professor notes that this is a hallmark of fascists everywhere, and Trump probably learned it from his hero Hitler.

Tired of worrying about plutocracy and fascism? Thanks to our bumbling Republican leadership, you can now legitimately worry about World War III, and it has nothing to do with North Korea.

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