Greg Lavelle: A Cheater Until The Bitter End

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on November 6, 2018

Greg Lavelle just sent out a ‘news’ letter. There’s no news. There’s no disclaimer as to who paid for it, other than that the taxpayers didn’t pay for the mailing. Which wasn’t a mailing, but an e-mailing. The day before the election. I suspect, however, that the taxpayers are funding the person(s) who put this together. In fact, I know it. Why? Because (a) it was sent from a state e-mail server, and (b) it was clearly prepared by Lavelle’s senate staffer, a staffer who was named as the contact. As in, this:


Oh, and there’s also a convenient link to his website. His reelection website. From a state e-mail.

Now, kids, legislators send out newsletters to their districts. Mailed out to every registered voter in the district. Generally in the summer, touting accomplishments real and imagined.

But that’s not what happened here. Greg Lavelle, who is the first to allege wrongdoing by others, used Senate staff to send out election-related material on the eve of the election. Anybody wanna bet that this was not sent out to all voters in the district, but to his GOTV list? Which means, of course, that what he did was illegal. Using a state employee to prepare and send out a last-minute political mailer on his behalf.  Staunch this pedophile-priest-protecting primordial ooze for good today. I know you didn’t need one more reason to vote for Laura Sturgeon. But, if you did, vote him out for spending taxpayers’ money on a last-minute reelection Hail, Mary.  BTW, here’s the piece:


News from State Senator
Greg Lavelle
Serving the 4th Senatorial District
November 5th, 2018

The 4th State Senate District in Northern New Castle County encompasses Greenville, Hockessin, and Pike Creek and surrounding areas along the Concord Pike Corridor. For a map of the 4th Senate District, follow this link

Ballots may be cast in person between the hours of 7a.m. and 8p.m. at your assigned 4th District polling location. If you do not know where your polling place is, go to the Delaware Department of Elections Voter Portal and select “Where do I vote on election day?”

If you have questions regarding Election Day, call the Delaware Department of Elections New Castle County Office at (302) 577-3464.

Thank you for exercising your right to vote.

Warm Regards,

“The health of a democratic society may be measured by the quality of functions performed by private citizens.” – Alexis De Tocqueville
Not paid for at taxpayer expense.

Legislative Hall Office  PO Box 1401411 Legislative Ave., Dover, DE  19901

302-744-42867| |

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  1. puck says:

    I’m in Lavelle”s district and I did not get that email.

  2. mediawatch says:

    @puck: Maybe you’re not on any of his email lists.
    But the key point here is that he sent an email via the state server, from his state email address, with one of his staff members listed as the point of contact (and, most likely, the creator of this message) and he’s got the audacity to assert that this was “not at taxpayer expense.”

    • Right. It was almost certainly a select e-mail group. A select group of Lavelle supporters and/or registered R’s. Meaning, it wasn’t a report, which we can all see for ourselves.

      It was a political GOTV piece sent out to Lavelle supporters at state expense.

  3. jason330 says:

    Wow. Brazen cheating. Looks like someone is shitting his pants. I hope for good reason.

  4. Paul says:

    Losing would clearly not be enough of a consequence for Lavelle. An indictment and trial seem appropriate.

    • Lavelle knows that there’s generally a media blackout some three days or so before an election, so he figured he could do this with impunity.

      Maybe the new AG will make an example of him. No one deserves it more.

  5. Martha W says:

    Lol cute. This was sent out at 5. At least that’s when I received it. Staffers are done at 4:30.

    • Alby says:

      And nobody checks their email at home? Ever?

    • Uh, Martha?

      It was sent out from a state e-mail server by a state employee who was referenced as the contact person. Whether the staffer was ‘on the clock’ or not makes no difference. Oh, and Martha? Not all state employees are created equal. Especially when one sends out an e-mail the eve before the election. On a government e-mail server which, BTW, doesn’t go off the clock at 4:30. It was illegal. Whether the ‘see-no-evils’ who are charged with enforcing the laws choose to enforce them is up to them.

      Bottom line: Lavelle cheated. Again. Thankfully, cheating didn’t help him.