Last Night’s Overlooked Winners and Losers

Filed in National by on November 7, 2018

Some candidates won, some lost. But the people and ideas that were not explicitly on the ballot also won and lost. I was going to put together a post looking at the overlooked winner’s and losers but I’ll just get it started and allow you, Dear Reader, to crowdsource this mf’er.


Jesse Chadderdon – Executive Director of the Delaware Democratic Party. While ERS deserves a lot of credit, it was Chadderdon’s work behind the scenes that drove a lot of last night’s success. His stock has clearly gone up.

Cassandra Marshall – Wilmington must be a force in Delaware Democratic politics and under Marshall’s no nonsense management, it is becoming that. This cycle she took on Wilmington’s insular Democratic Party and put in some real reforms. Wrong on Hillary Clinton, right on everything else.

Matt Denn – He did the right thing for his family and still has a lot of street cred going forward if he ever decides to use it.


John Carney – Lackluster governorship outsourced to Ken Simple doesn’t look like a viable model going forward. (Sub-Loser: Budget Smoothies!)

Scott Goss – Yeah, I’m still talking about how bad your reporting was, Scott. Clean up your act.

Anthony Delcollo – Sturgeon showed how to take out the garbage in the Senate. Anthony is next up.

The notion of “nice” Delaware Republicans – No more of this pretending to be cool on social issues, then stabbing the middle-class in the back when writing budgets. Ramone and his ilk have been revealed for the scumbags that they are. The next election will finish the job.

The DEGOP – On a similar note, the DEGOP is a wreck. A regional rump party of evangelical nutbags. They have no legitimate statewide candidates on the horizon and their ability to obstruct the state legislature has been diminished.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. jason330 says:

    Another Loser – The Campaign Finance Laws. If Ramone’s outright crimes are allowed to stand, the toothlessness of our Campaign Finance Laws treads into gumlessnes and jawlessness.

    If Elaine Manlove cannot or will not police the system – what’s her function?

  2. A says:

    Another winner: Mary Ann’s List. That organization proved that they can mobilize voters, raise money for candidates, and that their endorsement means something in the state.

  3. jason330 says:

    Good one:

    The quilt of networked Dem organizations like Mary Ann’s List notched a win. My sense is that the thing that all the groups have in common is that they are all playing the long game (in a way the Republicans have been know for). It isn’t about one campaign or one candidate for these guys.

  4. Beach says:

    – Network Delaware and Delaware United: They’re shaping the civic landscape by providing a channel for folks who care about their communities to focus their energy.

    – Terry Strine’s fellows: Why pay $5k or $6k to learn how to lose an election?

    • RE Vanella says:

      Network Delaware’s very first candidate training graduate was…


      …Laura Sturgeon, folks.

      Carney, don’t peek over your shoulder, bruv. We’re coming.

      • Bane says:


        Eugene Young and Drew Serres: Starts Network DE after a tough Mayoral loss, immediately focuses them on taking back the city party and pushing Cassandra Marshall as its new chair. Trains up candidates like Laura Sturgeon. Challenges Carper and moves him solidly to the left. With candidates like Tizzy Lockman and Mimi Brown; The future looks bright.

    • Dan says:

      Wait, you actually have to pay to be a Leadership Delaware fellow? I’ve always been amazed that anyone would ever enroll in such a ridiculous program, but I always assumed it was free. If people are actually shelling out money to hear trailer park slumlords and Kent County Levy Court members talk about “the stuff of leadership,” there really is a sucker a born every minute.

    • Beach says:

      Ah! Must include Indivisible, too!

  5. “– Terry Strine’s fellows: Why pay $5k or $6k to learn how to lose an election?”


  6. Bane says:


    Eugene Young and Drew Serres: Starts Network DE after a tough Mayoral loss, immediately focuses them on taking back the city party and pushing Cassandra Marshall as its new chair. Trains up candidates like Laura Sturgeon. Challenges Carper and moves him solidly to the left. With candidates like Tizzy Lockman and Mimi Brown; The future looks bright.

  7. MikeM2784 says:


    Democrats in Sussex County. If there was a wave state wide, the sea wall was high in deep slower lower. Hard to even recruit candidates to run in districts where Democrats consistently lose 65-35 or worse. Senate 6 is winnable, but the rest of the county isn’t pretty. The voter rolls are still filled with Dixiecrats (was told by several registered Democrats that they don’t support Democrats, Communists, etc. this cycle) and “Independents” who are just Republicans too lazy to change registration. I mean, the county is so anti-Democrat that Scott Walker won. It’s ugly.

    • RE Vanella says:

      Sometimes I think that Lenin was right.

    • Dave says:

      I disagree. Senate 6 was 52.67% – 47.33%. Baker was up against very entrenched (and popular) Lopez. 1500 votes separated the two. While there are parts of Sussex County (mostly the western part) that are like the deep south and will remain that way, it doesn’t define the whole county. Baker did very well. He worked his tail off. Lopez has been in the public eye for several years. That’s quite a bit of a head start over Baker who just came into view this year. If he stays visible, he might make it the next time. Sussex is always going to be a hard row to hoe, but candidates have to hit the bricks because it’s all about who you know here. Schwartzkopf easily won, even though he is in very conservative district because he knows everyone and everyone knows him.

  8. pikecreekgirl19808 says:

    Winner: Dave Woodside, NCC Del Dems Chairman who made sure that every GOP had an opponent in New Castle County (except one lone NCC county councilwoman) and then implemented a plan that weaved seemlessly with Del Dems and candidates accross the county.

  9. MikeM2784 says:

    Winner: Polling nationally. The results were actually pretty predictable based on the most up to date polling and models.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Loser: Terry Strine/Leadership Delaware.

    Leadership Delaware was the Simpler gubernatorial administration in waiting.

  11. jason330 says:

    Winner: El Som. First rate political writing and reporting throughout. Delaware is lucky to have him.

    Winner: DelawareLiberal. Not to be overaly self-congrtulatory, but did you notice how many DL alumni and regulars are helping shape the political landscape in De? I did. We’ve shifted the overton window, and come a long way in the past 20 (gulp) years. Here’s to where we’ll be after the next 20.

  12. jason330 says:

    LOSERS: Vichy twat, Peter Schott & Delaware Stonewall. He is not only drinking the bi-partisan kool-aid, now trying to sell it.

    • RE Vanella says:

      I really wish Barry would’ve retired Ramone. Schott is a Vichy twat. That a very good construction.

      (Mitch, don’t bother embarrassing yourself to defend the guy. It won’t look good on you.)

  13. puck says:

    Winner in spite of themselves – DSEA. Simpler is an enemy of public education, and good riddance, but WTF was DSEA doing by endorsing him?

  14. puck says:

    Smith and Ramone will make an unfortunate pair in lavishing favors on charter schools and blocking support for public education.

    Smith was a founding director of Pike Creek Charter School, which would have been housed in the Skyline Drive athletic club owned by Mike Ramone and would have paid rent to Ramone. Ramone appeared and spoke at community meetings for the school taking pains to explain how he was not involved. Fortunately the school was not approved by the State Board of Education, but it presumably remains a goal for Ramone and Smith.

  15. Jason330 says:

    Loser: NRA

    Winner: Moms Demand Action.

    Last week we elected eleven gun sense candidates in #Delaware – and we’re just getting started! There’s never been a more important time for Americans to advocate for common-sense measures to protect our children, families and communities from gun violence.

    Want to get involved in #Delaware?

    Text JOIN to 644-33.