Delaware Liberal

Vote Analysis — Delaware Treasurer’s Race

I’m just going to cut & pasting this whole thing including the first comment. You should probs comment over at BlueDE if you are inclined ot comment.

Courtesy of Nicholas Schrieber.

I’m glad he included the 2014 race between Sean Barney and Ken Simpler for comparison. The differences between 2014 and now:

  1. 2018 shows a pretty sharp strengthening of NCC D votes for Treasurer, and an emerging Blue corridor around Smryna to Dover.  This map reminded me of early 2000-era electoral maps of Virginia when you could see the start of the I95 Blue Corridor there.
  2. In 2014, Barney was strongest in eastern NCCo and (it looks) around Dover.  But he captured enough votes south of the canal to keep his overall vote total fairly competitive.  This cycle, a really strong D showing in NCCO — including MOT; plus an expanded D showing in the Smryna-Dover; added to some of the votes Barney got (clearly not all) in Sussex was enough.
  3. In NCCo we heard plenty of reports that Rs were planning to vote a straight D ticket, except for Simpler and that looks like what happened.

It is really interesting how these two races flipped their numbers, but it certainly looks like Davis was able to capture the Blue Wave here.

What do you think?


  1. I agree a “Blue Corridor” is emerging in the Smyrna-Dover area, believe it’s due to the influx of new residents from surrounding blue states and the decline of the crusty/dusty old farts in the bungalows on the back roads. Also believe this trend should dramatically reduce fears that Bruce Ennis will be replaced by a Republican. I live just north of Smyrna, things are changing rapidly here.

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