Delaware Liberal

Open Thread For Nov. 12, 2018: How Dry Trump Is

Donald Trump did something that our soldiers didn’t do during World War I. Refused to go out in the rain. To honor their memory and the memory of all who who were part of the war that ended 100 years ago. The President Of The United States wouldn’t go out in the rain.  President Obama? Not so much.

Trump to California: Drop Dead. Blames fires on poor forest management, threatens to withhold funds. Hey, he lost Cali, so they’re not really part of the United States.

Trump and Macron: Breaking Up Isn’t Hard To Do.  He’s the Sulker-In-Chief.

Pelosi The Favorite For Speaker Because…Opponents Can’t Find A Credible Challenger.

That should get us started. What do you want to talk about?


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