Now even SCOTUS Chief Justice John Roberts isn’t Trumpy enough for Trump. Roberts rebuked Trump for trash-talking the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, and Trump has lashed back ever since. Roberts pointed out that there are no “Trump judges” or “Obama judges,” something Trump could have figured out himself had he registered that three of his losses in court lately have been handed down by judges he himself appointed. Picking a fight with Roberts seems particularly stupid since Roberts is now the court’s swing vote.
Uh-oh. Looks like those crafty Deep State agents have made a fool of Trump once again, this time on the Khashoggi murder. Apparently the CIA has a smoking-gun recording of the Saudi crown prince ordering that the dissident journalist be silenced. At least Trump is telling the truth about his refusal to accept the truth: He wants the Saudis’ money.
Democrats surfed a blue wave with less help than usual from corporate PACs, and those corporations aren’t about to take that lying down. A corporate PAC trade group intends to lobby for higher limits on campaign contributions, perhaps in exchange for greater transparency.
Cops in Georgia have a great tool in their war on drugs — a roadside drug-test kit that gives positive results on just about anything. For example, this woman was jailed for four months after the test registered “methamphetamine” on a bag of cotton candy.
In cast you missed this, Nate Silver lays out the GOP death spiral: Democrats got almost as many votes in the midterms as Trump got when he was elected. As Lindsay Graham once said, they can’t make angry white men fast enough to keep up.
Finally, Gritty was interviewed by Time magazine just before Thanksgiving and one exchange in particular gave us more evidence the creature lives in Delaware County, Pa.:
What’s your favorite Thanksgiving side dish?
Simple. Boat of gravy. With a straw.
White meat or dark meat on your turkey? Do you wish there was orange meat?
Boat. Of. Gravy. With straw.